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Friday, September 12, 2014

Give Your Website The Best Foundation

To those of you who have read the FoundationSeries by Issac Assimov will find it easy to relate to the idea behind the popular CSS Framework by ZURB, Foundation. It was a path breaking creation in the field of open-source responsive frameworks. In Assimov's Foundation, the protagonist HariSeldon predicts the fall of Galactic Empire and start of a new era likewise ZURB recognized the fall of traditional frameworks and the need of a responsive CSS Framework. Thus became the pioneer of open source responsive frameworks.

Up with the new product Foundation5 which as claimed by ZURB is their fastest and easiest version of the same CSS Framework. The claim of being the most advanced responsive framework doesn't seem far-fetched when you look at its various features. I mean the developers have honestly put their heart and soul into Foundation5 to make it as future friendly as possible. Take a peep inside the new version and learn the truth yourself :-
  • Built well optimized, aesthetic and faster web pages, inserting animation is not a problem after-all.
  • The Sassy CSS or SCSS is simply SASS built with CSS attributes. It allows more flexible, dynamic and user friendly styling of the web page.
  • The code is simple and clean, and the new medium grid and custom semantic breakpoints allow to code for any device swiftly.
  • New and improved documentation to help you understand it easily and the "getting started" guide will do the rest, if not, you have the community forums.
  • Well, the new Foundation 5 boasts new features and add-ons to make the front-end development easier and fun, but how?
    • Interchange : It lets you load different part of websites in correspondence to the media queries or the device in question. Simply, the same content will load differently for different grid size.
    • Off-canvas: Makes the menu pattern easier to code. It is usually out of the viewport and comes in smoothly when clicked or the cursor is placed.
    • Forms : Create forms even more versatile and flexible. In Foundation 5 Forms are built with the default elements as well as with the grid settings.
    • Magellan: With Magellan sticky nav tool have a website with seamless navigation as it allows you to navigate anywhere irrespective of how much one scrolls.
    • Clearing : Creation of lightbox is easier than ever as this custom plugin allows you to take an image of any size and make your own responsive lightbox.
    • Split Buttons : The introduction of new dropdown buttons plugin has greatly improved the split buttons as it gives you loads of new choices.
    • Typography : As a matter of fact Foundation 5 has come up with promising typographical schemes both beautiful as well as simple. They are bound to enchant you.
    • Dropdowns : This is another mentionable feat of this CSS Framework. It created a universal dropdown plugin for any kind of element be it simple dropdowns or popups.
  • Wait, apart from them it contains a whole array of new classier templates to give you a head start in your work.
  • Foundation is based on a totally new Sass processor, Libsass which is way faster than your conventional per-processors.
  • If all this still boggles your mind then Zurb offers an online as well as on-site training program on Foundation by the very people who made it.

So much data, features, code and design compiled in one responsive CSS framework for your benefit, indeed Foundation5 feels worth every penny, Oh wait! They don't charge for it.

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