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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Your website may be mobile ready but is it mobile smart?

People usually think once you have a mobile ready website on the go your business is gonna soar and your revenue will shoot up. To some extent it may happen but it will not happen surely unless and until your website is mobile smart.
Mobile smart? What the hell is this ? Totally plausible question, given the scenario where everybody talks about mobile ready website suddenly someone comes and adds smart instead of website and thinks to bring about a revolution by giving a new term to the web industry is a preposterous notion. Responsive web design is synonymous with mobile ready website, the new lingo of the internet and along comes an evangelist who tries to put new jargon in your head. I would belying if I'd say it wouldn't be my first response but its a matter of curiosity.
But yeah, I would definitely want people to benefit from any information I share especially if it helps them understand how to differentiate between a mobile ready website and mobile smart website. So first you have to understand what does mobile smart website means.
Mobile Smart Website
The design which not only follows the principal of responsive design in code but in philosophy. Every pixel of your design would corroborate this new pattern of web design. It is not merely making your website fit into different screens altogether, it means making your website a state of the art responsive website with such seamless presentation which hooks any user by its simplicity woven in extravagance. It has its own share of similarities and differences from a mobile ready website, to summarize a few :-
  • This is not rearrangement of code to fit the web page into different screen size.
  • As Ethan Marcotte, the creator of Responsive Web Design, puts it - flexible images, media queries and fluid layouts collectively comprise RWD. This goes even one step further.
  • Mobile Ready Website is a bench mark of RWD but, Mobile Smart Website takes it to the next level.
  • A mobile smart website is not only a skillful responsive web design but it should appeal in content too. It should grab the attention of end user to make him a possible customer.
  • To give the right amount of information, neither too much nor too less is the soul of mobile smart design.
  • The core principle differs as it aims to inscribe your brand in the minds of the viewer via your website, making it responsive in the process.
  • Less is the new more. Minimalistic art, minimalistic designs, minimalistic information- the art of expressing more with less.
  • Remember, every mobile smart website is mobile ready but every mobile ready website is not mobile smart.
So, before you dismiss the notion remember, every great idea was once the fodder for skeptics and non-believers but eventually the idea prevailed. Having said that, many ideas dissolved into nothingness too. What I mean is never dismiss anything without a confrontation or someday you might think “Wish I would've tried it once.”

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