BIG problem – our ESX cluster has fallen over. Kind of. Not entirely – but enough to be a complete pain.
The symptom – our student webserver called ‘studentnet’ (which also
hosts lots of student storage) stopped working. Actually, for a while I
suspected something may happen, because we were observing very high
memory usage (95% memory usage on a server with ~132GB of memory?!)
which was all being used up by studentnet (with high CPU usage spikes
too). A student may have been running something that went nuts – but
regardless, I went to log into the VM client to check what was
happening. This is where it all started to go really wrong.
The vCentre host was down. But the internal wiki site we host was up.
Really weird stuff. I tried to log into the individual hosts that run
the VMs and could get in fine; although studentnet just wasn’t
responding at all. At some point – stupidly – I decided to restart the
host machines, as one wasn’t appearing to respond (it turns out later
that it just was just active directory permissions that either were
never set up or have somehow – at the time of writing – died a horrible
This was stupid because, mostly, it was un-necessary – but crucially
it meant all of the VMs that *were* running were now turned off. Very
bad news in one or two cases – as I will try and cover later (when I
talk about turning certain servers back on) – because any servers that
were running in memory now have to reload from storage.
And the storage is where the problem lies.
When my previous boss left in December, I asked him what we should do
to move forward; what thing we should try and carry on working on if he
was to have stayed around. He was quite focused in saying that storage
is the one thing that needs attention and a proper solution for because –
well – we have no backups. We have told everyone who uses studentnet
this – as we have also told them that it isn’t a primary storage
location in the first place (and I have a feeling many were using it for
this – as well as running files directly from their user area,
potentially causing lots of constant I/O activity) – but that is really
of little comfort to those who were needing to submit assignments last
For our two ESX hosts (Dell PowerEdge R815s which have 16 CPUs and
132GB RAM each) we are running a Dell MD3000i storage array with two
MD1000 enclosures connected. This is probably about 7 years old now –
and although my experience with storage management like this is limited,
I have a feeling that we should be looking to have at least some sort
of backup, if not replacement.

Our compact ESX cluser with storage nodes
Nevertheless, performance has been ok – even if it has been sometimes
intermittent. However, there is a “procedure” for re-initialising the
array in the event of a power cut or if something just goes wrong –
essentially disconnecting the head node (which is the MD3000i – 15 disks
of slower, but big 1TB, SATA drives) and powering it off, before then
power off the MD1000 enclosures (each has 15 disks of faster, but
smaller 300GB, SAS drives). I should really read up more about uSATA and
SAS drives – but for now, the main thing is to get things running
again. Before doing this, you should really power off all VMs as this
stops I/O activity – but the VM will still keep running (just without
the ability to write back to disk) even if you disconnect the hosts from
the storage array.
I realised after the hosts had been restarted (as I had stupidly done
earlier) where the problem lay. On both hosts, several VMs failed to
even be recognised – including Studentnet and frustratingly, the vCentre
machine (seriously, why is this running as a virtual machine stored on
the flakey storage array!!). And these happen to all be stored on our
MD1000 enclosure 2.

The storage enclosures
Going back to the server room, I had a look at the lights on the
disks. Several orange lights. That was probably bad. It was very bad.
You probably shouldn’t do this, but I simply removed and replaced back
into position the disks that had orange lights on – and several of them
actually went green again. I thought that might be an improvement.

This doesn’t bode well…
And actually, it was to some degree. The first enclosure was now
orange-light-free – with the main unit’s LED now showing blue and not
orange. I thought this might be good. But opening Dell’s Modular Disk
Storage Manager tool (useful, but it should be more visual and show more
log information. Or maybe I can’t find it), showed me the true extent
of the problem;

Yeah, things are pretty bad. FFD2 (the second fast enclosure) has
failed. In fact, drives 0, 2, 4, 7 and 13 (which was a spare) have all

The strange thing is, though, is that even with the current
replacement mapping, RAID 6 should allow for 2 failures and still be
able to operate. I would have thought that means you can have six
failures on one of the arrays, using four hotspares to rebuild data and
accepting two drives as total failures. But again – my experience of
storage management is limited and I have no clue how hotspares are
actually used within a RAID scenario.

Taking out the dead drives..
The next thing I’m off to try is to restart the arrays again. This
needs to be really sorted as soon as possible and the total loss of that
enclosure is just not something that can happen. If hot spares fail,
i’ll replace them with disks from another machine that also has 300GB
10k SAS drives in (what can go wrong?) one at a time and see what
Whatever happens after this, a key thing we need to look into is
buying more storage, as well as the backup and maintenance for it. And,
for now, FOG has to be on hold too.
Looks like the storage array is dead. After a bunch of messing around
a couple of days ago, it really is apparent that we have lost the FFD2
With it, we lose a few server, but we can also gain a load of storage
disks. Until we manage come up with a new storage solution that has
backups, I’m taking all the old SAS drives out to use as hotspares for
FFD1. I have a feeling we have lots of 15k RPM SAS drives lying around
that were used in other servers – more recently – and of the same brand
to use to rebuild FFD2 again. It should work. If not, it’ll be a
learning experience.
I ended up familiarising myself a lot with the Dell Modular Storage
Manager (DMSM) software and found out the correct way to assign
hotspares and replace drives in the enclosure. A lot of messing around,
unplugging and restarting took place on Tuesday, eventually resulting in
a hot spare being designated as a physical replacement on another
enclosure. I had actually written a good amount up about this but it was
being written on notepad on a virtual machine that subsequently got
restarted when – at some unknown point – it was decided to restart
everything that was already running. Frustrating. But not the end of the
Moving forward, what needs to be done now is:
- Have a backup solution:
- If a server fails, if the hosts fail and if everything is lost, we
need to be able to – at worse – rebuild and reconfigure those servers.
Each server should have a designated backup plan associated with it
- Designate some replacement hot spare drives.
- Purchase a new storage array and an appropriate backup, with perhaps something like a scheduled daily backup of the system.
- Ideally the content from our internal wiki should be mirrored
elsewhere so thatin the event of a disaster, we can recap on how to fix
- Maintain the storage array and the ESX hosts more closely. Someone
needs to monitor alarms as they appear and be informed of any storage
array issues. I also need to look into why we no longer receive support
emails automatically generated by alarms on the storage array (and this
used to happen).
- Rebuild the vCentre server – probably on a physical host rather than a virtual one. Will need to look into that.
For each of these points, I would probably make a new post – but this
is just one part of what I am working with. FOG and the redeployment of
our labs is also a priority, as are some other projects I have been
working on lately. To be continued!
Last week was spent trying to get our ESX cluster back up and
working, so now its back onto FOG. Towards the end of the week, I did
manage to spend some time on this again. I changed our switch
configurations for the three rooms we manage the network of ourselves to
point from pxelinux.0 to undionly.kpxe, which now
uses iPXE (a bit better and can use other protocols rather than tftp,
such as http). Whether this provides any speed differences remains to be
Host registration
For our own rooms, this small change actually worked and the following screen became visible for a new, unregistered host.
timeout option for the menu can be changed from the FOG management
webpage – for us it is 3 seconds but, after registration has been
performed, I will likely reduce it to 0. I am pretty sure that, also,
the timeout can be altered to depend on the host’s registration status.
I spent some time working with the rest of the team here walking
through the procedure for registering new host machines (since I decided
to not bother with exporting and importing a saved list from the
previous FOG installation) and, with only five of us left in the team,
it was important that we all know how do use FOG in case one of us isn’t
here. The registration of ~500 PCs will be a monumental task, but with
some tips and tricks, it shouldn’t take too long. When registering a
host, all we really need to do is to give it a name – the rest can be
edited (including the name, to be fair) in the FOG management menu. A
quick way to do this is to just enter the name, hold down the enter key
and move onto the next host. Because I haven’t defined any groups right
now for the hosts to go into, I can manually add them later – however,
it may be a good idea to modify the registration options to not only
strip out a load of the useless options but to also extract the group to
add the PC into from the host names (as each PC is numbered according
to the room it is in).

One thing to add here is that if your organisation, like ours,
uses asset tags on their systems, this may have also been recorded by
the OEM onto the motherboard. If this is the case, the asset tag (which,
for example, DELL would provide for their systems) will be uploaded
with the rest of the hardware inventory and can be viewed in the FOG
webpage management under each host’s hardware information. When it comes
to auditing your hardware, this can be very handy (as it was when we
once had to record the MAC addresses for every new PC we had ordered,
once – presumably someone had forgotten to do this at an earlier stage
before their arrival with us!)

And here we have a fully registered host! If you get the name wrong
(as will inevitably happen in the process of manually adding so many
hosts), you can actually delete the host using “quick removal” here,
which then takes you back to this menu again.
Bootfiles – Pxelinux, Syslinux and Undionly
Now to try out the other labs! Upon boot, this happens:

As suspected, this didn’t work on the rest of the rooms we manage,
unfortunately. After hanging for a while on PXE booting any of the
computers in the labs, the machines time-out saying “PXE E-53: No boot
filename received.” This can be from a few causes, but generally it is
because the PXE server didn’t respond or that there is no boot file
specified even if the server is able to be contacted.
Or, now that we have changed to undionly.kpxe, perhaps the bootfile specified in DHCP option 67 is incorrect. FOG now uses undionly.kpxe as its bootfile. I was a bit confused by what this was, so I’ve been looking around a bit and this article answers it through part of its explanation of PXELinux. It seems that Etherboot’s undionly.kpxe and Syslinux’s pxelinux.0
are combined in the article’s scenario, as they both serve different
purposes, but FOG has replaced the latter with the former rather than
using both?
I decided to actually check the FOG site out. It explains it quite well and, through a link to an Etherboot blog, it seems that pxelinux.0 IS still used, but that it has been moved to a different stage of the loading chain. Its generated from .kkpxe files, and the undionly.kpxe file is used as a kind of generic PXE loader. The key thing to note is that (and this post by Tom Elliott* back in February details
some of the motivations too) iPXE can use different methods of
delivery, rather than just tftp – and apparently this can make things
faster if done through http (as well as being able to use some cool php
magic and things too). *Tom now appears to be one of the main FOG
people as, after the change from 0.32, he is listed on the FOG credits
as the third creator.
My assumption initially was that, because we can only manage the DHCP
pools for three rooms, the rest of the labs’ DHCP pools were
unmodifiable by us and, therefore, need to be changed by ICT services.
However, the only thing that had to be changed, ever, on the rest of
the University network was that, on the core switches, for each VLAN
that we wanted FOG to work on, we needed the ip-helper address to be
set. But this hadn’t changed at all – so I couldn’t work out what the
issue would be…
Then I remembered something – we had to actually configure FOG as a proxyDHCP server.
It isn’t that way by default. For this to work, we can use dnsmasq –
which is a simple install and adding of a configuration file called ltsp.conf
into the /etc/dnsmasq.d directory. Here, certain options are configured
to actually enable the proxyDHCP server. The example configuration is
commented, so I won’t detail it here. However, a few things to note:
- Each IP address listed represents the network for which the
proxyDHCP server will respond to requests from – without listing them,
the FOG server won’t respond to any requests from those subnets.
- You can subnet it however you like – so we could do
255,255,255.0 and get the whole University – but only the subnets that
the University network had configured the IP helper address on would be
able to get the FOG booting on anyway, so I decided we should probably
list each subnet (and be able to disable each subnet) as we wanted FOG
booting to be used on.
- After you add a new subnet for FOG to serve, after saving and
exiting the configuration, you should do a” service restart dns-masq”
So in order for this to all work in an environment where you have no
access to the DHCP configurations, the following had to be configured:
- iphelper address of the proxyDHCP/fog server had to be included on the core switch, where vlans are specified
- ltsp.conf had to be configured on the fog server running dnsmasq
However, this didn’t help at all.

This turned out to be because, of course, pxelinux.0 is no longer
used and the FOG wiki instructs you to change a couple of lines to point
to undionly.kpxe
This line:
is now,
Where x.x.x.x points to the FOG IP. Note, that the IP is necessary as, otherwise, you get this error:

and the line:
pxe-service=X86PC, "Boot from network", pxelinux
is now
pxe-service=X86PC, "Boot from network", undionly
I saved, restarted and now, finally, it works!

But why did it work on our rooms?
As I remember from before, our labs that we manage (three rooms) are
served by a stack of Cisco switches where we could add next-server and
bootfile. But the rest of the University uses Windows DHCP servers and
they never configured options 66 and 67 for us, ever. So why were our
rooms able to PXE-boot, by configuring the options 66 and 67? It seems
that by having our single DHCP pool include all the details for the FOG
server, this will allow it to explicitly point to the FOG server and
explicitly include the file name to get. Because the tftp boot folder
has been setup already in FOG, the request for the file will be directed
to the folder. However, this wouldn’t normally happen across the rest
of the University network as the DHCP servers don’t point to our tftp
boot server at all. Even when the ip helper address is used it still
didn’t work – because the proxyDHCP service wasn’t running (and
therefore it wouldn’t respond to any DHCP requests). This is why dnsmasq
was used – to start a DHCP service on the FOG system, but without
actually giving out any IP addresses.
So if this worked originally for all of the subnets that we
configured in ltsp.conf, why couldn’t we just configure it for our own
labs? The IP ranges were there, yet they weren’t serving the labs where
we maintain all of the configuration for. I will update this post later
after looking for a possible original misconfiguration.
Next time: I will try and upload and download a FOG image, with
attention to ease of use, speed and how it compares to my experiences
with 0.32.
With FOG registration tested and verified to be working, its time to
move onto actually testing image uploading and downloading. If that
doesn’t work, its game over. For Part 5, I will deal with how to upload
an image to FOG and the process that I take to do this from scratch.
Creating and uploading an image using FOG
There are several useful links that are on the FOG wiki already, which outline the main steps:
To facilitate all of this, a dedicated Dell 2950 server is running
ESX 5.1 so that we can create a virtual machine to emulate our default

Why the DHCP server?
The DHCP server runs purely to give out an address to the single
virtual machine we have running. This is because within our server room,
all servers are configured to have static addresses and therefore, DHCP
isn’t needed.
Except that in order to boot from FOG, you need DHCP to be running
(and access to a proxyDHCP service). So this server will simply deal out
a single address to one client of a specific MAC address – that stops
anyone else being able to get given the address accidentally and it
means that now we can boot from FOG on our virtual machine.
Why use a virtual machine?
During the sysprep process, all hardware information can be stripped
out using the /generalize switch, so the platform and hardware is
largely irrelevant. However, the advantage to using a virtual machine is
that, not only can it be accessed remotely, but it also can have its
state saved in snapshots.
This makes it easy to roll back in time to an earlier version where,
say, an older version of software is used and, crucially, after sysprep
has been performed, the image can continue being edited later as if the
sysprep process has never been even touched.
The Process
For anyone thinking of doing the same, I would suggest reading the
above FOG guides as they get to the point and give you pretty much all
the steps you need. But here’s how I did – and still – do it myself.
I started with a clean Windows 7 build, although at the stage where
you actually enter any details, you can enter audit mode by pressing
Ctrl+Shift+F3. While in audit mode, you are modifying the default
profile (although the user folder is called Administrator), so
everything you do gets replicated to all users.
Note that this can be an issue in some cases. For example, I found out that Opnet writes
files to /Appdata/Local and explicitly saves the user as Administrator.
This has to be manually changed, otherwise all subsequent profiles will
try and access the Administrator user area. Similarly, if Eclipse is
launched, it will save the user in preferences as Administrator, meaning
that any subsequent users are unable to launch Eclipse at all. I will
make a separate post about this in future…
I install most of the software we used manually because, with a 1gbps
network connection, a ~70GB system installation can take somewhere from
5 – 15 minutes to download onto a host machine, depending on how the
intermediary switches are behaving. The alternative way to image systems
is to install nothing after this base installation and, instead, use
FOG’s Snapin functionality to remotely push packages out. However, it
was felt that given the speed of multicasting,
it can be far more efficient to restore a saved image of a system onto
all PCs at once, rather than have each one manually pull down packages
that may, or may not, individually fail.
At various points, windows updates are done, software is updated and
changed and restarts are made. I found an issue once with a Windows
Media Player Network service, which caused the sysprep process to fail,
so although doing updates to Windows on the base image is fine, I make
snapshots along the way. These are crucial, actually, and are the main
motivation for using a virtual machine for this process. It means we can
delay Windows activation until the end and we can undo huge volumes of
changes within seconds, being able to roll back to a different point in
time as necessary.

Of course, alongside this, I keep a changelog and note down what I
installed, uninstalled and changed at each point in time. This is really
important because uninstalling one package can have affects on others,
especially if they use Visual C++ redistributable packages (one
application may rely on a specific, yet old, version of the
redistributable, as Broadcom seem to have made happen with some of their
wireless/bluetooth software).
When ready to deploy, I then take a snapshot of the system as it
currently is (ideally saving the contents of what is in memory) and
install the Fog service. This is a cool client-side application that
allows for host naming, Active Directory registration, printing, and
snapins (among other thing) to happen, with the snapins being one of the
best parts of FOG. Some packages, such as Unity,
can be used for free only by individuals. Unity is used at our
University, but only on ~50 of the PCs we own. Therefore, we could
install it everywhere, but not legally. Snapins mean we can deploy Unity
remotely to only specific PCs, or run commands on those PCs.
Finally, I use Sysprep. I used to use Fogprep, which made certain
registry changes as far as I can tell to prepare the system to be
imaged, but FOG now seems to do this for you during the image restore
process as far as I can tell. Sysprep is a Microsoft tool for preparing
the system for first use; the OOBE option presents the user with a
first-use screen (like when you buy a new PC) and the “generalize”
option removes all hardware information from the system, so that new
hardware can be detected. For this to work with all hardware types, I
specified in the registry
(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version) the
additional folders to search for drivers that I know the system needs
(usually the extracted NVIDIA drivers and each motherboard driver type).
Now, when Windows is first booted after this process has been run, it
will scan for drivers for attached hardware.
Sysprep also can use an “answer” file to automate most of the
process. So, for the OOBE, you can skip all of the language, region and
even license key steps if you have all of this included in a sort of
configuration file, usually named as “unattend.xml”. Back in Windows XP,
this was mostly the same, but now the tool to create this file is
included in the Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK).
However, you can manually pick this file apart and make your own if you
understand a bit about XML, so you can specify a command to activate
Windows through KMS,
specify locale options, choose to skip the rearm process (to stop
Windows reactivating; it can only be reactivated 3 times ever!) and a
range of other things.
The following command does the above and will shut Windows down afterwards.
C:WindowsSystem32sysprepsysprep.exe -OOBE -generalize -unattend:unattend.xml
Note that, from this point, starting the “sealed” machine will
initiate everything and set up Windows as it would be, had you gone
through the whole customisation process. For this reason, I make a
snapshot right before initiating Sysprep – although if you are thick
provisioning for your virtual machine, snapshots can get HUGE.
Now, to actually make the host upload its current image, the host has
to be associated with an image. Whatever is selected as the associated
image will replace anything that exists for that image already – so make
sure you really want to overwrite what is already there! From the FOG
management webpage, navigate to the host where you are uploading from
under “Host management”, go to basic tasks and select “Upload”. 
When you start this, the host – during PXE boot – will see that there
is a job for it to do and it will then start uploading the contents of
the drive to the FOG server. This is usually a very smooth process – so
long as the virtual machine is set up to network boot (otherwise, you
will just boot into Windows..).
I restarted the VM and got the following screen:

So far so good. I preferred the old look, to be honest, and the
refresh rate of the information is every second, so it “feels” sluggish –
but actually it shouldn’t be any different. However, initially I
noticed that the speed was oddly very slow. In fact, it only climbed to
about ~400MB/min – seems still really slow when you consider it should
have a 1gbps link; its acting as though its only a 100mbps link! For
comparison, it used to just touch 1000MB/min (and lab PCs could top
5000MB/min, which seems still slow, as I would reckon that makes each
connection only use 600mbps – but accounting for switching, perhaps it
is not too bad).
However, by default, the PIGZ compression rate is set to “9”, under
the FOG settings. Changing it to 0 results in an upload speed that
approached what I was used to seeing:

However, this comes at a cost:

So the space taken up on the server by the image is around 90GB –
compression that would halve the upload speed and halve the upload size.
Its a tradeoff for a quick image creation – and with over 1TB storage, I
am happy to use no compression for now. However, in future, it’ll have
to be maximum compression when using many images. Note: I tested out
downloading a compressed versus uncompressed image with no speed
difference at all – so there is no gain or change in speeds when
downloading to clients. I’d be interested to find out more why the
speeds vary so much and never hit their potential maximum!
Anyhow, this will take a few hours to upload but once this is done,
the real test will be downloading to a host and multicasting! And while
we are waiting, one of the new cool things in the FOG browser is being
able to see the client speed and progress (which didn’t seem to work in
0.32 for me..)
Active Directory settings in FOG 1.0+
Back in FOG Update – Part 2, I said that you could just copy and paste settings from the old FOG to the new one. Except that, as of version 1.0,
the username for the account that can add machines to Active Directory
should NOT contain the domain. In other words: Domain/User should now
just be User.
So that was why computers were no longer being joined to a domain after imaging had finished..
Further to the previous post, everything seems to have been a
success. I wiped out list of hosts from the FOG database when I
installed the server from scratch and so have been going around all of
our PCs re-registering them all from the FOG host registration menu,
using some sort of naming convention
(<department><room>-<assettag>). As they are already
all on Active Directory, the FOG script to join them (which initially
didn’t work, see the previous post!) to AD sets them back into their
groups again.
Speeds seem to be around 2.5GB/minute – which again still seems slow,
however multicasting works as it did before, which is absolutely fine.
We recently had some switch upgrades to Cisco 3850s, which should make
all links 1gbps now. More testing of our other labs will take place over
the coming weeks. But as far as FOG is concerned, this is likely to be
the last post on FOG for a while (or, at least, it should be). The issue
to cover now, will be snapins.
FOG versus Desktop Management software
Currently, our base image for Windows 7 has all of our software
installed. This weighs in at around 90GB and means that, once deployed, a
computer has everything it needs for every possible lesson taught in
our labs. Additionally, once completed, every PC will be configured the
same; with ZenWorks, our University would deploy a basic copy of Windows
XP and the packages for a given lab would be added and downloaded.
The problems we faced were that we wanted to be able to use Windows
7, about 10% of all PCs would fail to image and – even the ones that did
image – were inconsistent in which packages they had managed to
receive. The University now uses LANDesk, Windows 7 and has better
infrastructure, but our department still is using our own system – FOG –
and we have been quite happy with the process that we have in place.
One problem with our method is that the image is big. Its HUGE. A
very basic, cut-down Windows 7 image is a fraction of the size – but
this means having to deploy all the software to each machine which,
really, works out as no quicker (it will likely take longer, too, as a
multicast of a 90GB image is just as quick for potentially every PC in
our labs as a single PC – the alternative is to transmit the same
packages individually to PCs). So this was our logic behind making a
single large image. But aside from the upload and download times for the
image, the real issue is changes that might be made to the systems;
this means adding, removing or changing software.
Zenworks had a bunch of management features and LANDesk seems to have
quite a number, too. FOG, on the other hand, seems to really focus on
imaging and not much more; there are some things that are useful, such
as remote initiation of system reimaging, Wake On Lan, remote virus
scanning, memory testing, user login recording and system inventorying –
but it isn’t really a management tool to the level LANDesk is, which is
something we may have to address in future. However, FOG does have a
service component present on all client machines that checks in with the
FOG server every so often to check if it has any tasks active. This FOG
client service has modules that will do things such as hostname
changing and active domain registration, logging on and logging off,
printer management and so on. This is expandable by simply adding our
own modules that can be written in C# (so we could replicate lots of
managment functionality if we could write it, for example).
However, the one really cool thing that I hadn’t really explored
until now is the ability to deploy packages through “snapins”. Properly
managed, snapins can accomplish a few things that we need to be able to
do; remote deployment, removal and uninstallation of software
installations on multiple PCs and being able to run commands remotely on
systems. This means that we can now update software without having to
redeploy an image or manually manage those workstations by hand
(although the same changes we may make would still be replicated to the
base image for updating future PCs).
Snapins with FOG
The first thing to note is, actually, I have used snapins before.
However, they were just command-line .bat files which would essentially
remotely initiate installers that were locally stored on PCs. One
example is a Sophos package we have, which once installs, attempts to
update itself. It should then restart a PC, but there needs to be a
timer added. This batch file worked quite well. However, I couldn’t work
out how to run an executable .MSI or .EXE by uploading it. This is
where I then found this guide, which walks through how to make an snapin from start to finish using 7-ZIP SFX maker.
Essentially, however, the simplest explanation is (for SFX 3.3):
- Have every file you want in a 7zip file archive (including your batch script or cmd file or whatever)
- Open SFX maker (Probably stashed under Program Files (x86) folder)
and drag and drop your .7z file onto the big empty space. Check the
- Dialogs->General->Tick “Extract to temporary folder”
- Dialogs->General->Tick “Delete SFX file after extraction”
- Dialogs->ExtractPath->Untick “Allow user to change path”
- Navigate to the “Tasks” tab, click the big plus sign, click “Run
Program” and just add the file name of your batch script or cmd file at
the end of whatever is in the %%T box (eg myfile.bat)
- Click “Make SFX”
The file will be output the same directory as the .7z file. To add
the new snapin, under FOG management, click the box at the top.

However, one important thing to note before uploading the snapin is
that, by default, the snapin file size limit is 8MB, as above. Editing /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, I changed the following values to be:
memory_limit = 2000M (2GB memory usage limit for snapins)
post_max_size = 8000M
upload_max_filesize = 8000M (8GB upload maximum!)

This should give us no problems with any of the packages that are
bigger than 8MB. Afterwards, the web server needs to be restarted with
“sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart” (and make sure its M in the PHP file –
don’t write MB, otherwise the php file gets upset!).
After uploading the snapin to FOG, you can assign it just like an
image; either to an individual host or to multiple hosts through groups.
Within a host, you can actually now remove snapins much easier. You can
also choose to deploy a single snapin to a host immediately or all
snapins; generally, I would assign snapins to a group (such as a room
where only one piece of software is licensed for) and any hosts in that
would receive this software when the image is initially deployed, with
the snapins then automatically deployed post-image. However, in the case
of the example used here, Questionmark is a piece of software that we
have, relatively late-on, been tasked with installing for another
department in the University. Automation of certain uninstallations and
updates should also be possible this way too – hopefully in a future
update, I’ll be able to talk about making custom modules for FOG or any
ways in which snapins are tweaked and deployed further.
But so far, FOG 1.2 seems to be running absolutely fine!
Recovering a deleted fog user – or – resetting a user’s password
Today is off to a frustrating start. I couldn’t log into the web UI
anymore – it kept telling me I had an invalid password. I rembered a
while ago that I had a problem with my username – it turns out that this
was because I had deleted it when trying to rename it; however, here I
had simply changed the password from the default (which is ‘password’!).
I logged into the database and decided to check it out for myself to see what was going on. To do this, I just typed:
sudo mysql -u root -p fog
That prompts me for my password and opens up the “fog” database. You
can then see all the tables using just SQL statements like SHOW tables;
but make sure you add a semi colon afterwards (and not just because,
here, it makes grammatical sense to).
Anyhow, if I do a SELECT * from users; statement, it should show up
all my users – and there should be two; one for quick imaging and one
for my fog user.

…and there isn’t. WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU, FOG? I think I said that out
loud, too. Ok, no big deal – we can just add another one. Because I
can’t be bothered to type out too much, and beause the uId gets added
automatically, I just want to insert a new user with the name “fog” and,
to make sure it is a proper user that can do everything, I set the type
to 0 (1 = the inability to do anything except for performing quick
image tasks).

Ok, so the user is back now – all I have to then do is update that
user by setting the password to whatever I want (in single ‘quotes’) and
encrypt it with MD5.

And it works! I can log in again finally. Hopefully it won’t keep
doing this – if so, I’ll write and rant more about it and see if I can
figure out why!
Looking to install FOG 1.2.0 from scratch? Check out my more updated post.
Yesterday was mostly spent backing up the original FOG installation
just in case this all goes horribly wrong (we do actually need to use
this server, after all). This was taking absolutely forever, so I gave
up and only backed up the server minus the images that I made over the
last year or so (except the default one we are currently using). Plus, I
wanted to actually get on and install this thing this week! I headed
over to and
downloaded a cool piece of software that allowed me to install Linux to
a USB stick to boot from. Absolutely fine, except the Dell PowerEdge
2950 server I was using doesn’t seem to do absolutely anything when I
put the pendrive in. It just refuses to boot from it and, even after
messing with the partition table, it eventually gave up and said invalid
operating system.Plan B today, therefore, was to put in a CD (from an
external CD drive). This worked fine and after a few reinstalls (the
first time I messed up the RAID configuration and the second time I
forgot to add a user or set a password for root), everything else has so
far gone fine. It is a very barebone linux system – the only two things
I did was to upgrade/update the system and packages and to install ssh
for remote access from my office (its a lovely cold room, but I can’t
spent all day up there. Well, on a hot day, I very well could..).
The next phase is to install FOG using this guide [edit: you may want to use this guide instead].
It seems to be one of the most unbelievably straight-forward processes –
although the network has already been setup for our FOG server already.
Except that, now, it seems that the original pxelinux.0 has now become undionly.kpxe. pxelinux.0 was
the bootfile that is specified in some DHCP environments’ option 67
setting. The three switches that I set up to support our networking labs
have this set, meaning now I will probably have to change it at some
point. I’ll writeup about that next time, or perhaps it will just work.
The FOG community will know, either way (and for anyone who is thinking
of using FOG, it has a very active and helpful forum). Finally, after
all of the LAMP stuff had been set up, I was told to go to the web
management page. Luckily, as the IP and hostname are all the same still,
I just had to open my browser and navigate to my FOG page tab.

New FOG! Yay!
So first impressions are that this is great
– actually installing a server from scratch and putting FOG onto it
took perhaps a couple of hours tops (including burning a CD and
downloading Ubuntu 14). It looks very much like 0.32 looked, so I know
where everything is.

I still had a tab open from earlier
today, when the server was still running. Useful, as I can just
copy-paste all of the settings from one tab to the other
Configuration from now on can be done
through the browser for the most part. The settings look pretty much the
same as 0.32 looked – although, sneaked in, is the option to donate CPU
time to mine cryptocurrency for FOG donations. Kind of inefficient to
be honest – the power and heat consumption will cost far more than you
would save by donating probably half as much in cash, with Bitcoin’s
current difficulty rate. But its a nice idea; especially as, at the time
of writing, there are supposedly ~4500 FOG servers – and each one could
have many hundred hosts all performing mining tasks.
Configuration aside, there is just one
problem now – the FOG database. Everything is gone – all registered
hosts and groups. To be honest, this isn’t really too big an issue as I
think it is probably time to go around and inventory our computers
again. There are several computers that have been moved, changed or that
we don’t use anymore – plus it gives us a chance to check out every
computer manually and verify that network/video/keyboard connectivity
So that was quite easy – so far – the next
step is to test out what happens with network booting (and IT services
are the ones that are in control of the majority of the network
infrastructure here and therefore are the ones who set the DHCP
options). Stay tuned! (like anyone is reading at this point!)
Edit 12/09 – You can
also go ahead and delete /var/www/html/index.html which will then cause
index.php to be loaded, thus redirecting you automatically to the
fog/management page.