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Saturday, May 22, 2021

A Guide to Solving Those Mystifying CORS Issues

Imagine you’re building the UI. You need to connect to remote API to get or send some data. Everything works fine when you test your REST calls with curl, but when you implement them in the UI, it does not.

First, you check the code, looking for some typos or other mistakes —but everything seems to be fine. You change the URL to Google.com or something, and find out that the http call is working. The issue appears only when calling that specific API. But it works perfectly fine via command line or Postman. What’s going on then?

Well, it’s probably the mysterious CORS mechanism blocking you. Rather than making an assumption, though, let’s just check the developer console in the browser. So if you hit right click, select Inspect, and go to Console tab, and then see an error like this one 

… then indeed, it’s CORS.

But before you jump to Stack Overflow asking ‘How to fix CORS in Angular/React/whatever?’ let’s find out what CORS really is, and why you can’t fix it in the UI.

What is CORS?

CORS stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. Doesn’t explain much, huh? Well, it’s really simple to understand, but there are a lot of misconceptions about CORS and plenty of available ‘solutions’ that don’t work.

When they’re blocked by CORS, many people google a ‘solution for CORS’, copy-and-paste a few lines of code that addresses something about the headers, and move forward. While this may sometimes fix your problem momentarily, it may also create a huge security risk.

But we’ll talk about that later. First things first: What is CORS?

CORS is a security mechanism built into (all) modern web-browsers (yes! into your web browser! That’s why your curl calls works fine). It basically blocks all the http requests from your front end to any API that is not in the same “Origin” (domain, protocol, and port—which is the case most of the time).

Now, how does this mechanism work? Let’s say you have an ‘upload’ button in the UI that suppose to upload some form of data to the API. So, in HTML code, you bind that button to some JavaScript function, which does a http POST call:


So when you click that button, you would expect the HTTP POST being sent to the API. But instead, your browser, seemingly ‘hidden’ from you, will send a HTTP OPTIONS request (but not always! Will get to it in a second) to the API. The API will typically reply with a bunch of data that says what browser is allowed to do.

Now, one thing to mention here: HTTP OPTIONS is sent before your actual request, if that request is considered a ‘non-simple’ request. A “non-simple’ request is one that has Content-type other than application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text-plain (for example, JSON) or when requests include cookies. (So, pretty much, most of the time.)

And now, we’re talking CORS. Below, you’ll see an example of the headers sent back by the server (yes, by server—therefore CORS is not something you can fix in the UI code) with a reply to OPTIONS. Look at those Access-Control-* headers and focus on Access-Control-Allow-Origin:


Here’s what’s happening: before sending your requested API call, your browser does a ‘security check’ by asking the API, (via an OPTIONS call, who is allowed to do what. Simple as that.

An ‘issue with CORS’ occurs when the API does not reply to such request with, ‘Yes, dear browser, you are allowed to do that call’. So, as you can see on the screenshot above, my API responded that my UI, localhost, is allowed to handle OPTIONS, HEAD, DELETE, POST and GET calls.

Now that’s the core of all the ‘problems’ with CORS. In order to fix CORS, you need to make sure that the API is sending proper headers (Access-Control-Allow-*). That’s why it’s not something you can fix in the UI, and that’s why it only causes an issue in the browser and not via curl: because it’s the browser that checks and eventually blocks the calls.

Solutions and Security

So, how to fix it properly without creating a security hole? As I mentioned earlier, people who encounter these errors often just google for a solution and copy-and-paste a few lines of code, which adds proper headers. The problem with that is that, in most cases, those ‘solutions’ tell You to use ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *’ —in other words, basically allow anyone to access Your API.

You might ask, What’s the problem with that? I have authentication on my API anyway. (Which should always be the case, right?)

Well, if you do, then this solution won’t work for you. Because if your call from the browser contains an Authorization header, then the value of Access-Control-Allow-Origin can’t be ‘ * ‘.

So the key points to know by now:

  1. CORS is a mechanism built into web browser. It’s not a UI code issue.
  2. To fix CORS problems, you need to make changes on the API side.

But… but…, you protest, I don’t have access to that API!

Well, in that case, you have two options:

  1. Ask whoever manages API to fix/add CORS support
  2. Create middleware

Option 1 is clear, right? If the API you are trying to access is your company API, then just go to your backend colleagues and ask them to add CORS support. How they do that will depend on the framework they use. Sometimes it’s as easy as installing some package, sometimes they have to add those headers manually to the API code, but nevertheless—they should know.

If the API is from some third party, then either you can contact them via their support line, or Github, or some other way. Or, you can use Option 2.

Option 2: build a middleware. Since CORS is as simple as adding some HTTP headers, and it’s the only browser blocked, then you can build some proxy-like component that will basically make a call for you, get the response from the desired API, add those headers on top, and then send it back to Your UI. Thus, you will no longer connect directly to that API, but to your middleware. It’s not the best solution, but if really necessary, it will solve the issue.

There is also another use case, You have some tool installed on one of the servers you manage. You can’t directly change the code of that tool, but you still need to add CORS support to it. In such a case, something you can do is install, for example, Nginx—add headers in Nginx config, and put that tool as a backend.

That’s it. I hope you not only got a solution to issues with CORS but, most importantly, you learned how it works. And now you have some ideas for how to fix things when you get those once-mystifying CORS messages.

With an exceptional team by your side, you can discover what you are truly capable of, click below to find out our job openings!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Amazon’s Account Health Dashboard’s Policy Compliance Scorecard explained


Green, Red, Orange- the three colors in Account Health

Amazon is making some improvements! Specifically to Seller Central to help sellers stay on top of their online enterprise.  The Account Health Dashboard’s Policy Compliance Scorecard is for sellers to monitor their violations and appeal ASIN suspensions.

The Account Health Rating feature rates your seller Account Health metrics in three colors. Green for “good.” Orange for “at risk.” Red for “critical.”  It is meant to give sellers a visual of their policy violations and encourage them to take action if too many pile up.

While it is helpful at times, it also leaves a lot of unanswered questions.

How long will the violations negatively impact my account health?

The violations reflect your policy violations over the last 180 days, or six months, at which point they will disappear.

Can the violations come off with a successful appeal?

This is a complicated answer but usually, no.

The exceptions are if Amazon has stated in the performance notification that the violation will be removed with a successful POA. Or if Amazon has made a mistake.

If a buyer returns an item and leaves a comment stating, “I’m used to wearing a heavy jacket and this one was too light” but Amazon interpreted the word “used” as a condition complaint. They will likely remove the violation with a successful appeal.

Also, if a rights owner retracts their intellectual property violation complaint, the violation will likely be removed from your Policy Compliance Scorecard. Amazon Account Health

How many violations is too many?

Generally speaking, you want to remain in the green.

There isn’t a hard and fast answer about a specific number of violations that will cause your account to be suspended.

If you continue to accumulate similar violations over six months, neglect to appeal them, and aren’t actively improving the root cause of the complaints, there is cause for concern.

Be proactive, not reactive!

I’m in the orange – will my account be shut down soon?

It’s possible.

Amazon doesn’t want to suspend sellers who are prioritizing their account and Amazon’s policies.  Don’t wait for your account to be at risk before you implement some proactive measures to maintain the viability of your account.

  • Keep your invoices in an easily accessible central location.
    • Or use invoice software so you’ll be able to submit invoices as they’re requested
  • Appeal ASINs in a timely manner and institute the steps you’ve outlined in your appeal
  • Regularly review Amazon’s ever-changing policies so you know your account remains compliant
  • Regularly audit your inventory to ensure it meets Amazon’s condition guidelines and avoid returns for condition complaints
  • Ask for help from the experts at Riverbend! Our staff is largely comprised of ex-Amazonians and professionals who know the Amazon world inside and out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

How to respond when Amazon suspends your ASIN


If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have had your ASIN or account suspended by Amazon, you know there are a lot of immediate emotions that come up when you get that email… not the least of which are anger, disbelief and fear. The problem is, with all those feelings at play, there are a lot of mistakes you might inadvertently make when responding to Amazon.

There are many reasons why the suspension may have happened. Maybe it’s just Amazon trying to find out where you source your products; or it’s a competitor trying to minimize the competition, or perhaps it’s an unhappy customer that just cannot be pleased. In the end, it really doesn’t matter why it is down. As a seller, you just want to get the situation resolved and get your business back up and running.

Don’t let emotion ruin a reinstatement appeal email

If you fire off a heated email to Amazon, making sure to mention how the customer ruined the package; or that it was UPS’s fault for stepping on the box, Amazon will unemotionally respond with the dreaded ‘That is not good enough, try again’ message. Emotion has no place in the appeal, it is all a matter of what YOU, the seller, could have done better. That is all part of the culture in Amazon: owning up to your mistakes.

To get reinstated, stick to the facts

There are a series of steps, if you will, that happen with every item you sell, and within those steps there are opportunities to do better. That is what Amazon really wants to hear: how you will do it better next time. This is the key to getting reinstated.

If an item arrived dirty, then let Amazon know you’ve instituted a step between when you receive it and when you send it to the customer, or Amazon, to have it QC inspected or cleaned. If the item arrived out of date, then ensure a process that checks those dates before they are sent to the end customer. There is enough time in the supply chain when checks and balances could be introduced that will not impact the final delivery date, but definitely impacts how it is received and in what condition.

In the end, what Amazon wants to know is what you will do to make sure the customer gets the item in the condition they ordered—and expect—from you. Almost all item-level issues can be resolved by actions you the seller will take to make it better moving forward.

Be generically specific with your Amazon ASIN Suspension

While being asked to address an issue with a single ASIN, this is also a great opportunity to address any of those issues that have been nagging in your system for a while. Along with understanding what you will do to fix the immediate issue, Amazon wants to see you using this as an opportunity to be a better seller on the platform overall. This will give you a chance to implement changes in your shipping and receiving processes to make sure that all items are checked for accuracy and undergo a QC process every time.

It also gives you the opportunity to reach out to the experts and learn more tools of the trade. There are resources and partners around the world that openly show their process—from receiving to storage to shipping— so there is always more knowledge to be gained. Even established sellers will reinvent or experiment with new processes from time to time to create even more efficiencies.

Amazon likely doesn’t know what your account is about

Unless you are one of the Top 50 sellers on Amazon, it is likely Amazon has no idea who you are or what you do. While your company is your baby that you’ve grown and nurtured from the start, it is unlikely Amazon has been aware of your journey. During the appeal process, you get to tell them all about your brand and the products you sell.

You also get to share what processes you have in place, and everything you have done to make every order run smoothly. This is also where you get to point out the things you are working on to improve the process or the customer experience. But unless you are hiding a Mary Poppins, there is no way you are doing it practically perfect every time…but you can get close. Use this opportunity to share with Amazon what you are doing well and what you are working on to improve.

If you receive a suspension letter from Amazon, get in touch with us today. We’re here to help.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

How to deal with an Amazon Restricted Products violation: Clean out your Amazon catalog listings

 When you sell on Amazon, it can be easy to inadvertently miss important details. Perhaps you added complementary products that weren’t big sellers or listed against an incomplete/incorrect detail page. While having a lot of products can be good, if your catalog listings aren’t optimized, you can end up with a restricted product you didn’t see coming. One day, you may receive that dreaded email from Amazon with a notification of a restricted product for removal–then what?

This notification is Amazon’s way of informing you that the product is no longer available because Amazon has removed it. We all know the fear and anxiety that creeps in when a listing is down. Your Amazon listing is the most crucial aspect of your digital shelf – without it, you can’t sell. At the same time, your Amazon selling account can be put at risk if Restricted Products issues are not immediately addressed.

Sellers often panic when their products are removed from Amazon because restricted product violations directly impact Seller Central account health. If the product is already selling, its removal can harm your sales and leave you scrambling for answers. Mitigating these risks takes a proactive approach and is vital to your success.

In this article, we’ll discuss the possible reasons for an Amazon restricted products violation and how to prevent one.

Why does Amazon sometimes restrict and remove products?

Amazon has numerous policies in place that sellers must abide by. These policies ensure that millions of shoppers on the marketplace can trust the product offers available for them.

To ensure that Amazon sellers continuously comply with their established terms of service, Amazon monitors every listing and blocks restricted products/listings that don’t comply with their rigorous standards.

Amazon Restricted Products include:

  • Illegal and/or potentially illegal products (like guns and ammunition, prescription medication)
  • Sexual materials (like adult toys)
  • Harmful products (like tobacco, alcohol)
  • Intellectual properties
  • Restricted media (like recopied media, promotional media, movies, software, etc.).

Listing such products or their variants can land you and your account in big trouble. To sell products like these on Amazon, a seller must prove that they have the necessary license from the appropriate authorities or have a label rehash that allows them to sell the products in the United States.

Amazon also recalls products for safety concerns, especially if there’s an issue with the manufacturer or product source. They will also suspend defected, expired, or bad products listed on the online marketplace. Amazon will do whatever it can to protect customers and avoid legal repercussions from unsafe products.

Can you continue selling other ASINs that have the same Amazon restricted products problem?

When Amazon restricts an ASIN for violating its terms of service, sellers must cease selling these products or other ASINs with the same restricted product problem, or Amazon may take swift action.

When Amazon recalls a product for whatever reason, it’s best to check your catalog and remove similar products yourself before Amazon removes them.

For example, Amazon can restrict a supplement product and remove it from your seller catalog because of an ingredient that is not approved by the FDA. It’s vital that you delete any other of your product listings containing the same ingredient, even if the other ASINs are still live.

The same rule applies to other product categories that Amazon describes as drug paraphernalia or products with pornographic or inappropriate images. Once an ASIN is blocked, find out why, and do due diligence on similar ASINs.

What should you do if Amazon removes an ASIN?

When Amazon removes a seller’s ASIN for the first time, it’s usually a warning, and unfortunately, the seller may be under further scrutiny. If you experience an ASIN removal, you’ll do yourself and your Amazon business a lot of good by finding out why and cleaning out your Amazon catalog listings with related or similar products before Amazon does.

If you don’t do so, Amazon will most likely find the products you may have long since forgotten about. A repeat of the same violation will affect your seller account health and can potentially land you in legal trouble if Amazon Safety or Seller Performance is engaged.

4 Steps to reinstate your product listings:

Before you can reinstate a restricted product listing on Amazon, there are a few things you should do. Following these steps will improve your chances of having your suspended listing reinstated.

1. Close/Archive the affected listing

Ensure that all your products and listings comply with Amazon’s policies and the applicable state and federal regulations. Once you realize you have some products that are not up to the expected standards, you must close, archive, or delete their listings from your seller catalog.

2. Check notifications

After pulling down the affected listing, ensure you understand the issue by reviewing the original performance notification. By doing so, you will understand the changes you need to make to your listing.

3. Review your ASINs<h/3>
Evaluate the ASINs removed for Restricted Product Policy Violations and compile a single, holistic appeal for all of them. This will help you save time rather than going back and forth with the Amazon Seller Performance team– we know how challenging that can be!

4. State your reason(s) for appeal

If you believe your product is compliant and should be available for sale, or you’ve addressed Amazon’s issues with your listing, you can appeal the restricted products removal decision. Do this by providing evidence and other documents like an appeal form or a plan of action. The Amazon performance team will review the appeal and let you know their decision within 7 days. If you require assistance preparing an appeal, please reach out to the experts at Riverbend Consulting.

Final Thoughts

Amazon is a global marketplace big on customer trust and fairness. They want shoppers to have the best experience, and there are laws guiding their business operations. As a result, Amazon carries out compliance checks continually to take down products they believe violate their policies.

As a seller, having your product listing pulled down by their compliance team for restricted products violation can be frustrating. This is especially true if you’ve done everything right or you’re a newbie.

You can prevent these issues by avoiding listing the restricted products highlighted in the Amazon restricted products policy.

If your listing still gets hit by a notification of a restricted product, an appeal is still possible. You should also aim to clear your catalog of any product you believe Amazon can consider restricted. This will help you protect your account from warnings, provide your customers with a safe and trusted shopping experience, and build a reputable Amazon business that can look attractive for growth in retail or an exit.

Do you have any questions about your seller account health or challenges related to Restricted Products? Drop them in the comments below.

If you need help appealing a restricted product ASIN or account suspension or need assistance determining whether you need to delete related listings, reach out to the experts

Monday, May 10, 2021

What are the types of IP violations on Amazon?

 IP violations are the stuff nightmares are made of for brand owners selling on Amazon. Here’s the problem, Amazon’s policy on IP complaints is to shoot first and ask questions later. An allegation of an IP violations can result in the immediate suspension of your Amazon seller account.

Though Amazon has legal reasons for enforcing such a harsh policy, IP suspensions on the platform are a controversial topic. Yes, the strict policy has been instrumental in stemming the flow of counterfeit products through the Amazon marketplace. However, black hat sellers and shady manufacturers exploit IP violations rule to eliminate competitors. It gets worse; unscrupulous competitors will file an IP violations if they can’t match your prices.

Understanding Amazon’s IP violations policy is your only protection against baseless complaints. Keep reading to discover the main IP complaints to watch out for when selling on Amazon.

What are the main types of IP violations?

We can all agree that learning about Intellectual Property Rights isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. What’s worse, not all IP complaints are the same. Each violation has its unique conditions. Luckily, Amazon mainly concerns itself with four kinds of IP violations. These are:

  • Trademark
  • Copyright
  • Counterfeit
  • Patent

A deep understanding of how Amazon interprets each violation is crucial, especially if you’re in a competitive niche. However, it would benefit your brand more if you partnered with a consultant to prevent misinterpretation.

Professional services have the resources to protect your brand from IP violations. Furthermore, competent Amazon consultants have access to an extensive legal network that they can leverage to sort out any violation claims quickly. That said, here’s a detailed breakdown of IP violations on Amazon.


A trademark is a unique design that’s used to distinguish brands. Trademarks come in many forms, such as stylized words, catchy phrases, or unique icons. Unsurprisingly, trademark complaints are commonplace on Amazon since customers generally recognize brands by their trademarks.

Trademark violations on Amazon vary. Not all complaints are the same. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each infringement claim.

  • ASIN-Level Complaint: Brands file this complaint against sellers trading merchandise the brand doesn’t manufacture yet bears their trademark. This violation has serious consequences since the rights owner can report the entire ASIN or Detail page for trademark infringement.
  • Seller-Level Complaint: Brands and manufacturers file this complaint if an account holder trades a product that infringes on their trademark. While dealing with such a complaint is frustrating, at least your ASIN will remain open for business. However, unlike the ASIN-level claim, this complaint only affects the mentioned offer.
  • Product Detail Page-Level Complaint: A brand alleging the use of its trademark on an account that doesn’t sell its products can file this complaint. In such cases, Amazon might suspend the ASIN in question until the matter is resolved.


Copyrights protect original works of authorship. This includes books, movies, video games, and songs. The truth is that copyright violations are a murky field; proving that you’re the original owner of creative work is easier said than done.

Copyright violations on Amazon fall into the following categories:

  • ASIN-Level: ASIN-level copyright infringement complaints occur when a brand claims that a trader is selling products that use its copyrighted work to market products that have no association with the copyright holder. This serious claim often results in the suspension of your ASIN.
  • Seller-Level: Brands with a copyright dispute with a particular product in your catalog often file seller-level copyright complaints. It’s important to note that the ASIN remains operational since Amazon only suspends the reported offer.
  • Image-Level: Brands will file this infringement complaint because you are using a copyrighted image or icon without permission. In this case, Amazon allows the account to remain operational as it resolves the rights owner claims.


One thing is for sure, counterfeit product claims have a bad reputation on Amazon. There are two reasons for this.

First, Amazon is quick to act on counterfeit claims since the last thing the platform needs is a legal suit. This policy results in many unwarranted account suspensions. The second reason is that unscrupulous rights owners often cite exclusive distribution rights as grounds for the counterfeit claim.

As a result, sorting out counterfeit claims by yourself is a bad idea. A consultant will know how to counter baseless exclusive distribution claims and other tactics that shady competitors and manufacturers employ.

Ultimately, a rights owner will file a counterfeit claim on the grounds that a seller is selling counterfeit goods that bear their trademark or copyright works.


A patent is a legal protection that grants inventors the right to control their inventions’ manufacture, distribution, and use. More often than not, patents run for a limited time, depending on the invention type. Patents generally fall into two categories: design patents and utility patents.

Design patents protect the unique aesthetic qualities of an invention. Such patents are rare since they only cover the product’s look and not its functions.

On the other hand, utility patents protect the actual invention. Remember, utility patents don’t offer the same protection as copyrights and trademarks. For example, copyright issued for a video game only protects its creative content.

A utility patent protects new hardware developers might have designed and used while creating the game. In a nutshell, utility patents cover the following cases:

  • Article of manufacture
  • Protection of product functions
  • A new machine
  • Improvement of product functions

While patent complaints on Amazon are relatively rare, dealing with one isn’t an open-and-shut case. To start with, the rights owner can report your entire ASIN, resulting in the suspension of your seller account.

Worse, the rights owner can file a legal suit against you. This highlights the importance of partnering with a professional Amazon account management service. Admittedly, this section only covers a brief portion of Amazon’s IP policies. For full details, see this information from Amazon Seller Central.


Intellectual property violations can bring your business grinding to a halt. It’s pointless to complain about Amazon’s harsh IP rights policies. Instead, partner with our Consulting to make sure you are on the offensive.

We will keep your account safe from baseless IP complaints by tackling them immediately after you’re notified. Additionally, we’ll help you avoid IP violations by formulating and executing effective deterrence strategies. Don’t let an IP complaint get you suspended. Get help from us today.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Why every Amazon seller needs a USP


Without it, you may be missing the boat.

A USP, or Unique Sales Proposition, helps a business, especially an Amazon seller, stand out from the crowd and attract customers. It’s foundational to your business.

The USP is a statement or proposition that communicates the unique value or benefit. It piques the interest and action of your target audience(s). It’s a brand message. A differentiator.

So, what is yours? Start by stepping back and digging into what is unique about your e-commerce business. What message resonates with your target audience and what they want – their needs, preferences and values?

What is your USP

The USP exercise is often treated like a weekend warrior who decides to walk around the block a couple of times vs. an athletic endeavor that requires time, discipline, training and action. Developing the USP usually requires market research and analysis, such as surveys, focus groups, customer feedback and competitive analysis. These undertakings help quantify what motivates your target audience, which then leads you to the unique value or benefit that really resonates.

What are the USP types?

  • It’s free. A common USP (and often overused) is “free” and “fast.” For Amazon sellers (FMB), that’s usually related to shipping, which also helps compete with FBA/Prime delivery. Many customers are willing to pay a bit more for products that come with free or fast shipping. Frankly, is this really a USP in Amazon world where customers expect the product “right now,” no matter what?
  • It’s quality. Another common USP is high-quality products. Brands that emphasize the quality of their products, whether through materials, craftsmanship or performance, appeal to an audience willing to pay more for a product. This is particularly important for products used frequently or have a significant impact on the user’s life.
  • It’s exclusive. Unique or exclusive products can also be a strong USP. Brands that offer products that are not available anywhere else, or that are only available in limited quantities, create a sense of exclusivity and urgency. These drive sales and customer loyalty. This is particularly effective for niche products (a specific demographic or subculture).
  • It’s sustainable. Environmental or social responsibility is a growing USP for brands. Those that prioritize sustainability, ethical sourcing or social responsibility appeal to customers concerned about these issues. The audience is willing to pay more for products aligned with their values. This often appeals to younger consumers.
  • It’s personal. Brands that offer personalized, customized products provide a personal touch and sense of connection with the customer. This can is particularly important for brands offering highly personal or emotionally significant products, such as jewelry or gifts.

Creating and completing your USP

Getting started really means knowing, studying and analyzing your customers. They are your target audience. What is the best way to do that? Talk to customers, ask questions, get honest feedback about pros, cons, strengths and weaknesses. Do the research and delve into their needs, preferences and values.

It’s tempting to take shortcuts with developing a USP. It’s easier to just be creative and come up with a powerful, pithy perspective. While it may be relevant, it is not your USP. It is not a creative exercise, it’s a data-driven research project. It’s also an ongoing effort, not a one-time event. Customers and market dynamics are always moving and evolving. So are your products and brands. Your USP may need to evolve as well. Regularly review and analyze customer feedback, market trends, and competitor strategies. Doing so helps establish a UPS that could even expand into new segments and markets.

Once the USP is defined and delivered, it is a common thread woven into all your sales and marketing channels and touchpoints, from websites and email marketing campaigns to product collateral and tradeshow graphics, your USP is strong, consistent and ever present.

The result? You have a valid, well-vetted USP that resonates with customers. It shares a consistent feature and benefit that builds customer familiarity, trust, loyalty and reputation.

Some of my favorite resources about business marketing, USPs and more include HubSpot, Entrepreneur and Forbes Small Business.

Begin, then refine your USP. This ongoing commitment to know your customers–and knowing what motivates them to purchase your products–ensures your long-term success.

And remember, when Amazon sellers need business advice, ASIN and account reinstatements, even listing optimization and A+ content, they know it starts

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Is Amazon online and retail arbitrage worth it in 2022?

 Did you know that reselling items in-store or online is a popular and effective way to make money online in 2022? Third-party sellers choose from three or four primary methods of selling on Amazon- two of those methods are known as online and retail arbitrage.

Online and retail arbitrage offers third-party sellers a lucrative avenue to make money online. Like any method, there are advantages and disadvantages that sellers should be aware of before deciding which route to take.

This article will outline the differences between online and retail arbitrage so you can make the best decision based on your goals.

What is Amazon online arbitrage?


Online Arbitrage (OA) involves buying products from an online retailer at a lower cost and reselling these products for a higher pricepoint on online marketplaces.

Amazon Online arbitrage is a reasonably easy business model to start and affords third-party sellers the option to sell products from the comfort of their homes. Online arbitrage may not be as passive as some new sellers think and requires a great deal of time and energy on product souring and evaluating costs and price points.

With online arbitrage, sellers must ship goods to Amazon, adding complexity to the sales model. Depending on the product, sellers’ margins can be slim as they are required to pay specific Amazon fees to sell on the platform.

What is Amazon retail arbitrage?

Amazon Retail Arbitrage (RA) involves buying products from a physical retail store for less and reselling these products on online marketplaces such as Amazon for a higher profit. In the retail arbitrage model, sellers must also invest time and energy in product sourcing and logistics.

Because these products are purchased for much less or on liquidation, significant profit margins are possible.

Why do sellers choose Amazon arbitrage?

Besides making money from sourcing and reselling products, Amazon arbitrage has some interesting benefits that encourage buyers to adopt this trading model specifically for the Amazon marketplace

1. Capitalize On Trends

It’s normal in this day and age to find in-demand and or trending products, especially across different seasons. For example, toys are hot products that arbitrage sellers can buy and resell on Amazon for profit during Christmas.

Amazon FBA retail arbitrage and online arbitrage sellers can diversify their market and adapt to what is trending by watching social content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. These platforms offer hints about viral products that people are scouring to purchase on sites like Amazon. Keeping up with trends is a massive component of online and retail arbitrage.

2. Low Barrier to Entry

Pretty well, anyone can sell using the RA or OA method. Something to note is that some brands and manufacturers may request approval from sellers at any given time. An added bonus is that sellers can source and sell different products while building credibility and ensuring their customers get maximum satisfaction from the goods they sell.

3. Low Investment

You do not necessarily need a large capital investment to start retail or online arbitrage since you can purchase products from other retailers and online platforms for a lower cost. Typically, high volume purchases can mean discounted prices, so it can be to your advantage to purchase in bulk, depending on the demand for each product.

You won’t need to spend money creating and optimizing Amazon product listings, either. You’ll often sell these products under existing listings because you are not the brand owner, making both RA and OA cost-effective sales models.

4. Fast ROI

Another great benefit of online and retail arbitrage are the profits you can make from reselling items if you get the process right. Once you find a buyer, you can easily send the goods to Amazon FBA to process the delivery. As a result, you can enter different product categories and markets, increase sales and incur a faster return on investment.

5. A Quick Way to Scale

Online and retail arbitrage are reasonably fast ways to scale your Amazon presence because you’ll have lower bars to entry, so you can scale your inventory and business at a faster rate than private label selling.

What are the challenges of retail and online arbitrage?


Like any business model, retail and online arbitrage have challenges that should be mitigated to keep Amazon accounts in good standing. Knowing these potential risks and downsides can help you make the best decisions when selling on Amazon

Things to look out for

Time-Consuming – Retail arbitrage, in particular, can be a heavy investment of time, as sourcing in retail stores requires consistent dedication.

Customer Complaints – Product quality problems like damaged packaging, packaging that doesn’t match the listing description, store returns with possible missing parts unknown to the seller, etc., can arise.

Intellectual Property Complaints – IP complaints can arise when an Amazon OA or RA seller sells a particular product from a renowned brand. Usually, the brand may ask the seller to provide invoices and proof of authorization to sell their products, and sellers may or may not have access to this documentation.

What should RA/OA sellers do to protect themselves?


Arbitrage selling comes with its fair share of risks. To stay on top of account health, you must have dependable structures and processes that help you manage risks and keep customer complaints at bay. As a retail arbitrage or online arbitrage seller, you should:

  • Thoroughly inspect and carry out quality and packaging checks on all products before sending them to Amazon FBA or shipping them to the seller. Customers will complain and return flawed or defective products– you don’t want bad feedback about your business.
  • Have detailed procedures for matching products to the listing detail page to prevent complaints. Ensure the item strictly fits its online description before sending it to the buyer to avoid complaints due to negligence.
  • Collect and carefully store the receipts for all the products. The receipts will come in handy when you need to either return a product to where you sourced it or prove its own when necessary.
  • Source goods from reputable businesses where the company name is on the receipt. Getting your products from reputable stores helps avert brand intellectual property complaints and gives your business good credibility.
  • Have an aggressive quality management program for your buyers. When buyers have complaints, do not ignore them. In the case of multiple complaints, pause the product listing and examine the product for defects or quality issues.

Final thoughts

Online arbitrage (OA) and retail arbitrage (RA) are proven methods to make money on Amazon. While they may seem to offer fast profits, they require time and a dedicated approach.

You’ll want to keep your Amazon account health in good standing, so mitigating risks at the outset is imperative. Research the best products to sell, identify the best time to enter the market at a low cost, slowly build your customer base, and manage product and shipping quality at all costs.

Need help with an account issue or have a question about Amazon online vs. retail arbitrage?

To avoid ASIN deactivation follow these simple steps


“Almost” is not the standard Amazon uses, and neither should you

“But it was almost the same thing as the detail page.” The important word there is “almost” and that is also the word that will result in the ASIN or your account being deactivated.

Almost the same can lead to a “not as described” or “inauthentic” complaint from the buyer. It could also result in a “counterfeit” intellectual property complaint from the rights owner. Anyone who has had that happen will tell you they are not as much fun as you think and to avoid them whenever possible.

I would love to tell you there is a 100% guaranteed way to avoid those issues but that would not be true. I can tell you there are steps you can take to substantially lower the risk of those complaints thereby diminish the potential risk to your ASINs and/or your account.

The most important step in this process:

Be honest with yourself. Look at the item you are listing, then look at the ASIN you are considering listing it under in Amazon’s catalog. Does it match EXACTLY?

By exactly, I mean in every detail from the packaging to the item itself with no variance between what is in your and what is shown in the images on Amazon.

  • Does the listing title EXACTLY reflect what you are selling in all aspects?
  • Is the product’s size in the same measurement (ml versus oz)?
  • Are the fonts on the packaging and product label identical?
  • Are you selling an older version of the item shown on Amazon? If so then you need to find that older listing
  • Does the description and bullet points accurately describe your product?
  • Are you selling a European version of the product being shown? Does the title clearly state this?

These are just a few examples and are not a complete list.

Avoiding ASIN deactivation IMPORTANT

If you list on someone else’s mistake that does not protect you from being enforced. It is your responsibility to make sure the ASIN Listing you choose is correct. Saying that you did not create the listing is not an excuse.

Are you listing a non-branded/generic item on a branded listing?

That is a recipe for disaster and deactivation. Even if the item looks identical and you are certain they are, if the detail page and ASIN has a brand associated with it that is not your brand, you cannot list under that ASIN. It may have been a generic item when it was manufactured but the other seller put their brand on it so it is no longer generic.

What do you do when you run into these situations?

Look for other ASINs that may already exist that are identical to your product. The best way to search is by using the UPC that is on the item you wish to sell. Instead of searching by title or name of the product, use the UPC when adding a product. This will return more accurate results BUT you still need to review the information to confirm it is an identical match. The UPC may be the same but there may have been packaging refreshes or updates that could lead to buyer confusion or mistaken assumptions.

Sellers often forget…

Something that sellers often forget is that you are knowledgeable about the product you sell. You know the slight differences in packaging or product variances and understand that they may not have an impact on the overall performance of the item. Buyers may not have this level of expertise and if they are buying the item as a gift, they may know nothing more than the name of the item and rely solely on the title.

Do not fill in gaps or connect dots in your head that a buyer may not do on their own. The listing should exactly reflect the item that you are shipping in every aspect and detail, period. This is not something that Amazon will debate or compromise on.

In conclusion

Amazon buyers are scrutinizing their purchases more closely than ever and by listing your items correctly, you can do something to protect your account. Take steps now to prevent actions later.

What is an SOP and how can it help your Amazon business?


Think of the most recognizable brands that we as consumers can find on Amazon – Nike, Levi’s, Adidas, Dewalt, etc. Apart from these businesses investing in marketing and ads they have systems and processes that boost their success across the retail and e-commerce landscape.

With effective standard operating procedures (SOPs), many brands have put their Amazon FBA businesses at the forefront, and they’ve been able to quickly scale and manage their exponential growth.
Today, running a business without an SOP will leave it disorganized. Disorganization will not only steal your time, but you’ll lose customers, and sales and earn a damaged reputation.

Whether you’re new to Amazon or you have an existing seller account, without standard operating procedures in place your Amazon business is at risk. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you learn the proper standard operating procedures and performance standards to improve your business.

What are SOPs and how are they beneficial?


An SOP (standard operating procedure) is a document that describes a brand’s business processes. You may consider SOPs as the blueprint or guide that explains your core business principles and answers various how-to questions. Standard operating procedures outline the necessary steps you or your employees must take to complete multiple day-to-day tasks.

With an SOP, you can better manage your Amazon business and carry out your business operations according to Amazon’s terms of service, industry regulations, and state laws. They can also help you provide timely, exceptional service to your customers, make it easier to delegate tasks to virtual assistants (VAs), and ultimately leave you with a well-organized efficient business whose process is as important as its customer service.

What common areas in your Amazon business are best for SOPs?

Pretty much every area of your Amazon business can benefit from an SOP. Here are our six favorite complex processes you can streamline with the help of an SOP:

#1 Fixing stranded inventory

You can standardize your inventory management processes with an SOP containing information like inventory tasks and how you can execute each task. If you have stranded inventory in a fulfillment center for whatever reason, you are confident of your process – which will also include the Amazon warehouse and inventory management guidelines that are required by Amazon to resolve such an issue.

#2 Customer service messages

Documenting all your customer service processes in an SOP is a great way to establish new processes and systems, and can also provide you with valuable customer data. Any team member (old or new) can read through and understand your expectations and standard for all customer-related conversations or issues. They will also find out the necessary tools to satisfy customer demands and gather information to make informed decisions.

#3 Creating FBA shipments

Creating Amazon shipments should involve a standard process with multiple steps so that your shipment experience is consistent and organized in a comprehensive approach. You’ll log your inbound and outbound expected dates, carrier info, and more. You can document your methods as a step-by-step guide for ongoing use.

#4 Shipping out MFN orders

If you fulfill your orders yourself, an SOP will help you save time, deliver timely, and mitigate risks like product loss or shipping damaged goods. Since an SOP highlights the necessary checks you and your team must carry out and the shipping procedures to follow, you’ll be able to boost your business credibility, improve productivity, and get good reviews.

#5 Amazon FBA Reimbursements

Amazon has a reimbursement policy that FBA sellers must comply with when requesting a refund for goods lost or damaged by Amazon. Creating your own SOP for an Amazon FBA reimbursement process can save hours of time and help you maximize your reimbursement. Specifics like staking your claim using the Contact Us page in Seller Central within 90 days can be laid out in your SOP so that when you outsource this task you have a process in place.

#6 Appealing suspended ASINs

You can experience an ASIN suspension when a buyer complains about your listed products on Amazon. Though you can’t control complaints, you can investigate and appeal the suspension. With an SOP, you can document the possible reasons for ASIN suspension and how you and your team can prevent or appeal it.

How to create an SOP

Now that you’re ready to create an SOP for your Amazon business, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Make a list of your business tasks/processes that need SOPs – Identify every aspect of your business that requires strict processes and highlight them. It may be best to start with areas you’re knowledgeable about or problems you’ve experienced on the job yourself.
  2. Consult experts – Amazon has a lot of moving parts. Since you can’t know them all, we recommend you consult in-house experts to help you further identify what aspects of your business need procedural documentation. In a case where you run the business alone and can’t pay an expert, you can follow some on social media for insights and ideas.
  3. Write out every step – Sounds like a basic step, but this one is crucial. Once you’ve identified the tasks to standardize in your business, write out all the steps required to carry out such tasks. Do this like you’re explaining to someone without knowledge about the tasks. No detail is insignificant.
  4. Provide additional information like pictures and videos – Add screenshots, pictures, videos, graphs, and other details in your SOPs to improve readability, aid better understanding, and help navigate your highlighted processes.
  5. Compile and train other team members – Train your team members on your standards and business operating procedures after drafting the SOP so that your services remain consistent and you can deliver excellence to your customers.
  6. Review and update over time – Stay up to date with Amazon’s terms of service and guidelines for sellers and ensure your SOP is not obsolete. Make adjustments in line with your customers’ demands or your discretion – so long you don’t default any rules.

An SOP is a vital document that can make or mar the success of your business. When writing one, avoid rushing. You should also avoid writing without structure, grammatical and business errors, plagiarism, and false information. SOPs are not set-it and forget-it documents and will need to be updated as your business evolves. At any stage, these documents should be created with value in mind.

Final thoughts

The goal of every business is to make profits and scale. However, as your Amazon business scales, you must have processes to ensure it can accommodate the growth.

With adequate documentation through SOPs, you can keep your company running in your absence because new hires and existing team members will have all the information they need to carry out their daily activities.

Ultimately, as your business grows, you’ll save time, boost productivity, speed execution, mitigate risks, streamline complex processes, and achieve Amazon Seller success.

What was your experience when drafting your first SOP? Do you think an SOP is vital for a one-person Amazon FBA business? Share your thoughts below.

Contact us for more information about our Account Support services and Reimbursement services, which are heavily based on SOPs to ensure high quality and consistency with every interaction and task!