Selling The Value Of The Web To Small-Town Clients
Selling your services as a freelancer or a small shop is tough enough
as it is. Selling to a small-town business that might not even see the
need for a website adds an extra level of difficulty in turning a
I’ve provided web design services to small-town businesses for the
past few years, having had many happy outcomes, but also a lot of
negative experiences from which I’ve learned hard lessons. One of the
most important things I’ve learned is how to sell the value of the web.
Many of my clients needed to be convinced that a website would actually
be good for their business. A lot of them were almost naive about the
web and about the impact and reach that a professional website and
online strategy would have for their small business, even one whose
target market lies within a 15-kilometer radius.
My experience with selling to small-town clients comes from running my tiny web design shop, Hetzel Creative,
for three years now in rural Iowa. I started from a blank canvas after
having moved to this town and building a clientele that now includes
over 80 small businesses, mostly in southwest Iowa. I’ve gotten to the
point that most new businesses around here are referred to my company,
on the strength of my successful track record and portfolio.
For the purpose of this article, let’s assume you live in a rural
town like mine, with a population of about 5,000. You’re a great
designer and developer, and the compelling idea of breaking out on your
own drives you to look for your first client. You’ve landed a meeting
with Ned’s Remodeling. Ned heard about you through mutual friends and is
interested in a website for his small construction company.
After your initial meeting, in which you gathered information, you hit Ned with the numbers.
“That much to build me a website?!” Ned is shocked. “Forget it! I have a nephew who could give it a shot for free.”
Now’s your chance to sell the value of the web.
A Website Is An Investment
Cash flow is often tight for small businesses, and you don’t have the
luxury of dealing with department heads who aren’t closely tied to the
money they’re spending. When a small-business owner writes a check, that
money is very dear to them. So, Ned is obviously going to be put back
when he hears a realistic estimate of what a properly designed and
developed website should cost. Still, the only thing more important to
him than his bank account (and his family, friends, etc.) is the future
and growth of his company. The trick, then, is to sell Ned on a
website’s return on investment.
Educating clients on the potential return on investment of a website is a great first step to closing the deal. (Image credit: Philip Taylor)
Aside from the popular “Your business will be open 24/7” argument,
you can sell Ned on a professionally designed and strategic website in
many ways. Listed below are just a few, but you can easily get creative
and tailor your responses to different clients, whose understanding of
the web will probably vary.
Everything Is Trackable
With just a free Google Analytics
account, you can track so many more metrics for a website than you can
with print ads and other traditional advertising channels. This is a
wonderful selling point, because it will reassure Ned that he can always
look at the metrics and visualize whether his investment in the website
is paying dividends. And if the results are not ideal, then those
metrics will tell you what to tweak.
Your Image, The Way You Want It
A website serves as a central online destination for the whole brand.
Ned needs to know that without a website (or with one that is poorly
designed or that lacks compelling content), his online image will
stretch as far as Google reviews or the Better Business Bureau. That
might not give potential customers enough information for them to pick
up the phone, especially if a competitor is dominating local search
results for home remodeling and has a website that projects a
compelling, trustworthy image.
Effective Advertising
The money spent on online advertising to drive prospective clients to
a website is much more manageable and trackable than money spent on
traditional advertising like newspaper ads, flyers and phone book
listings. Online ads and listings, SEO and web content are in a unique
category of advertising. Not getting as many hits as you would like?
Adjust! Change your content and experiment. Not on the first page of Google for a particular term? Optimize! Rewrite some content and change some keywords.
Spend your advertising dollars to get your website into a
high-traffic area that your target audience will see. Spending as much
as, if not more than, an offline budget for online advertising is a
no-brainer because you get so many metrics and insights on how an online
campaign is performing. Ned wouldn’t have such control and accuracy
with his advertising if he didn’t have a website, so this is a great
point to sell him on the investment.
Productivity Enhancement
This is probably the last thing Ned expects from a website, but if
properly thought out, a website can certainly enhance a small business’
overall productivity and free up time that is used for manual tasks.
Take a simple contact form. More people are willing to submit a form online than to pick up the phone.
It’s just easier and a lower barrier. Not only will Ned gain more
leads, but now he has more time to research thoughtful answers than he
would have had he gotten questions over the phone. And he can set aside a
certain time of the day for written questions, which is better than
being distracted by a phone call while drawing a blueprint or repairing a
You Get What You Pay For
If you’ve convinced Ned that he needs a website for his business,
then his most pressing concern will still be the wad of cash he’ll have
to drop to pay for it. Even if he does view a website as an investment,
investing in anything without some disposable income is still tough. At
this point, he’s probably thinking of ways to spend the absolute least
that he can, which is most easily done by pushing you to the backburner
to find someone cheaper.
your client on the importance of a website and why you’re the right
person to deliver it is all that’s standing between you and the money
they’re willing to spend. (Image credit: Tax Credits)
The key here is to make absolutely sure that Ned understands he will
get what he pays for. You could remind him that he would advise his own
potential clients not to trust just anyone to remodel their home;
likewise, he should be willing to do the same for the online face of his
business. Clients should trust experts to perform the services that
they’re good at. Sure, he could get a free WordPress theme or use some
cookie-cutter website-building service, but that’s like using duct tape
and cardboard to fix a broken window. It might work, but you wouldn’t
get the efficiency and beauty that a professional would provide.
Explain The Possibilities
Many people like Ned simply don’t know what they can achieve with a
website: bill payments, sales, content management, newsletter
registration, customer portal, email drip campaigns, subscriptions — the
list goes on. If Ned is clear on what can be done, he’ll understand
that an expert is needed to pull it all off.
Make sure, however, that you’re not just selling a list of features.
You want him to see you as a partner who will share in the joy of the
success that your services will bring. The features are only part of
what a client wants. After all, thousands of freelancers can design and
code as well as you can. Ned has to trust that the other guys don’t care
as much about him and his success as you do.
The Importance Of Design
Even in a small town, where your reputation hangs almost solely on
word of mouth, having a professional image is still critical. You
understand this because you’re a designer, but Ned probably doesn’t.
Without getting too deep into research on brand recognition, make sure
you can back up your claim that good design is important to Ned’s small
business. Here’s a great quote from a Razorfish’s report on branding that you can have ready (it’s five years old but still makes a great point):
According to our findings, 65% of consumers report that a digital
brand experience has changed their opinion (either positively or
negatively) about a brand or the products and services a brand offers…
For those brand marketers still neglecting (or underestimating) digital,
it’s as if they showed up to a cocktail party in sweatpants.
Break Out A Statistics Sheet
If Ned still needs convincing on why he needs you, show him some
statistics. I’ve prepared a document for new clients that lists
statistics on the number of Americans online, the number of people
browsing on mobile devices (for selling a responsive solution), figures
on how consumers are persuaded by a brand’s online image, and more.
Plenty of statistics are available for you to refer to in your sheet, like this one from a September 2013 report by BIA Kelsey:
94& of the consumers surveyed have gone online for local shopping
purposes within the last six months. Among those surveyed, 59.5% have
completed a local purchase of merchandise or services online, within the
last six months.
83% of surveyed US consumers reported that having a website and using
social media was a factor considered of high importance when choosing
small businesses.
Or this one, from a June 2012 survey by 99designs (a great one to show Ned that others in his position think professional design is important):
80% of small business owners consider the design of their logos,
websites, marketing materials and other branding tools either “very
important” or “important” to the success of their companies.
Analyze Competitors
Another great way to convince Ned of the need for a website is simply
to do a Google search right in front of him. If “glenwood iowa
remodeling” brings up a list of all of his competitors, then he’ll see
that he’s missing out. Even if you don’t offer SEO, Ned has to have a
website in order to optimize it. If you do offer some SEO (or even
include basic optimization in your service), then Google some of your
current clients in front of him to show how you have helped companies
get to the top of search results. Just don’t lead the client on if you
don’t have the results to show for it — especially if they can so easily
check how capable you really are.
Aside from search rankings, analyze some of Ned’s competitors’ in front of him.
Point out what’s good and not so good about them. I always like to tell
clients what I would do differently with their competitors’ websites
because that helps them understand our expertise in a context they’re
familiar with.
Bring Social Into The Mix
Several clients have come to me looking for the whole online package:
website, Facebook page, Twitter account and branding, etc. Other
clients had to be sold on these “extra” services. If you’re looking for
extra angles to hook clients, offer a broad range of services, because —
let’s face it — Facebook and Twitter are highly visible these days (Ned
probably has a Facebook account already). The average client already
has (or at least should have) an active Facebook page for interacting
with customers and marketing to the public. So, offering a social
strategy, or at the very least designing a nice profile and cover photo,
is usually an easy sell.
Facebook strategies and promotional designs are good services for clients who are looking for the full package. (Image: Sean MacEntee)
Beware of working with clients who solely want to use Facebook or
Twitter, though. Many small businesses start with Facebook as their only
online presence. While it’s a cheap way to get online, clients need to
understand that their social pages should ultimately drive people to
their “home”: their website.
How Did We Meet Ned In The First Place?
Contact with a prospective client can come from many different
sources. The things that have always landed me contracts are word of
mouth and a strong portfolio. Of course, I had to build my reputation
for people to refer me, and that can be done in various ways.
The single most important thing that I did for my small business was to join the local Chamber of Commerce.
I got leads simply from being listed on its website as a trusted local
service provider, but the more important leads came from attending its
events and talking to people. I never went to an event (coffee nights,
banquets, golf outings, etc.) to land a contract that day. Rather, I
went to become more acquainted with other business owners and to build
their trust so that, when they did need a website, they would call me
Other ways to get your name out there include joining a committee (I was on the Chamber of Commerce’s marketing committee), attending events for entrepreneurs (who are your target market, after all), doing some pro bono work
if you’re starting out, and giving current clients 10% off their next
invoice if they refer you to someone. Just being around other business
owners and making friendships in their circles should be enough to get
you at least one contract; if you do a great job with them, the
referrals will start coming in.
I’ve definitely tried things that don’t work, too. For instance,
don’t waste your time on newspaper ads, cold calling, phone book
listings or mass emails. You’re in the business of selling value, not
just a service. Your best clients will arise from trusted relationships
and from their belief in your ability to increase their bottom line.
Above all, make sure that your own website is killer.
Experiment with different content until you’re at the top of search
results for local web design and development. Of course, make sure to
show off all of your latest and greatest projects. Case studies do a
great job of selling (especially if the website visitor is in the same
industry being profiled). Plenty of resources are out there to help with
your online strategy, so don’t skimp on the quality of your website.
The Sky’s The Limit
Hopefully, this article serves as inspiration for those of you with
the same target demographic. Keep in mind that working in a small town
is not necessarily your best bet to raking in a ton of money and
designing glamorous websites. But you’ll sleep well knowing that you’re
benefiting the community by providing expert services. And keep your eye
out for other markets to get into. With the number of fully distributed
companies on the rise, you can do business with just about anyone from
the comfort of your home.
Remember that selling to small-town businesses is a lot about education.
Ned doesn’t know just how much value a website can provide. Educating
him on the possibilities and the state of the web might just convince
him to go with you, without your even having to explain “why me.”
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