It’s sometimes the case that Android apps don’t seem to receive as much love and attention from a designer as they deserve. But Android provides an excellent mechanism for styling, skinning and theming your user interfaces. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at how to make your app stand out. The best bit, almost all of this can be done using just XML and PNG files.
Applying a background Drawable
Drawable is the base class for just about anything that can be drawn on screen. We’re talking images, colours, gradients and a few more complex types that just affect other drawables they are wrapped around (for example, clipping and rotation). Drawables usually come in the form of image files, XML files, or are created through code.To get a better idea of how a drawable is used, we’ll take a look at specifying a PNG for the background property of a button widget. This will change the button from the default Android style, to our own custom style.
To start, import the “Backgrounds” project into Eclipse by choosing the Import option from the File menu. You’ll need to have downloaded the Android 2.2 SDK via the Android SDK Manager in order to run the project. If this is your first time using the Android SDK with the ADT and Eclipse, please follow the instructions on the following page to get up and running:
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- <Button
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="Green Button"
- android:background="@drawable/btn_green" />
Some platforms have the concept of splicing a single image up to be applied to a larger element in such a way that only the middle is stretched. This means the corners, which may be rounded, do not stretch and look blurry or pixelated. In CSS3 this is called border-image, and in Flash, 9-slice.Android has an advanced version of this called “9-Patch”. Let’s take a look at our green button being scaled up both with and without using 9-patch.
To use 9-patch just add a 1-pixel transparent border around your image. Then draw solid black lines that run along the top and left edges to dictate which parts should stretch, and two more black lines right and bottom to indicate where content can sit (make sure you turn off anti-aliasing when drawing these lines, it will complain if any pixel in the border is not 100% black or transparent). Finally, save the file with a “.9.png” extension. Android will automatically assume it is a 9-patch based on the extension.
This means for a button we can use a single PNG to define both how it looks and where content (such as text or icons) appear within it! The ability to define the content area also means you can create an off-centre region for content that ignores say, a drop-shadow, when centering content.
Multiple PPI-screens
The screen you’re looking at is probably running at something like 100 PPI (for the sake of argument, when you read PPI, pixels-per-inch, we can treat it pretty much as DPI, dots-per-inch). So at 100 PPI, if you get right in close to your screen, you can pretty easily see the individual dots. With a Samsung Galaxy Nexus we’re up to 316 PPI; pixels are densely packed into a much smaller space to give it that crisp print-like quality, but that brings with it a challenge.DPI independence is a key concept when designing for screen; be it phone, computer, tablet or TV. If an icon is 48x48 pixels on your laptop screen, it may physically measure as half an inch wide. On a high DPI (HDPI) phone, the pixels are crammed that much tighter that this same icon would appear less than a quarter of an inch wide. You can imagine that an icon appearing as a tiny square is harder to press, so how do we cater for this wide range of screens?
Open up the project “UsingDIPs” to see how we specify dip units for widths and heights in the main.xml layout file.
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- version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:android="" - android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent"
- android:orientation="vertical" >
- android:layout_width="200dip"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="I'm 200 dips wide" />
- >
Multiple DPI assets
This subject can cause confusion between designers and developers. So to summarise: the DPI property in Photoshop is not important unless you’re printing… all that matters are the width and height in pixels. As a rule, you multiple by 1.5 to go from medium to high to extra-high DPI; so a 48x48px icon should be designed at 72x72 pixels to appear the same physical size on a HDPI phone (eg Galaxy S2), and at 96x96px for XHDPI (eg Galaxy Nexus).You tell Android what assets to use by putting the files in the relevant drawables folder… drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi and so on.
Selectors: The StateListDrawable and ColorStateList
We’re just starting to dig deeper into the power of the Android platform’s graphical abilities. Next up we’ll look at selectors. These are XML files that tell the UI to use a different drawable depending on the state of a widget. For example whether the user is pressing it, whether it is disabled, selected and so on.We’ll take another widget, the Checkbox. If you want to import the “Selectors” project you can run the demo and see how we can style a CheckBox across multiple states: checked, un-checked, pressed while checked and of course pressed whilst un-checked. There are a few other possible states such as enabled, selected or focussed (tabbed-to), but for now these four are enough for our purpose.
Our checkbox StateListDrawable:
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- version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:android=""> - android:state_pressed="true" android:state_checked="true"
- android:drawable="@drawable/btn_check_on_pressed"/>
- android:state_pressed="true" android:state_checked="false"
- android:drawable="@drawable/btn_check_off_pressed"/>
- android:state_checked="true"
- android:drawable="@drawable/btn_check_on"/>
- android:drawable="@drawable/btn_check_off" />
- >
The wooden checkbox as it appears in code:
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- Copy code
- version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
xmlns:android="" - android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="fill_parent"
- android:orientation="vertical"
- android:background="#ffffffff" >
- android:id="@+id/checkBox1"
- android:layout_width="wrap_content"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="CheckBox"
- android:button="@drawable/checkbox_button"
- android:textColor="@color/checkbox_text_color" />
- >
Styles and themes
Along with drawables we have the concept of styles and themes. This should be familiar to people that have used CSS, but in Android we use XML to define styles, and styles can inherit from other “parent” styles. Styles apply to widgets and themes apply to activities or apps, a theme is a collection of styles.Open up the “Styles” project to see the code for this one. We start by creating a “styles.xml” file in the /res/values folder. Android will look in here for our styles.
Our WarningTextView style:
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- version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> - name="android:background">
#ffff00>- name="android:textColor">
#ff0000>- name="android:textSize">
40sp>- name="android:padding">
10dip>- >
- >
Applying the custom style to a TextView:
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- style="@style/WarningTextView"
- android:layout_width="fill_parent"
- android:layout_height="wrap_content"
- android:text="Some SERIOUS words" />
To do this we need to specify a theme. In the “Themes” project you’ll find a couple of styles defined in styles.xml this time.
Defining a theme to style all buttons in an app:
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- version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> - name="android:buttonStyle">
@style/MyButton>- >
- name="android:background">
@drawable/btn_green>- >
- >
Applying a theme to a whole application:
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- android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher"
- android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/MyTheme">
Wrapping up
We’ve seen how 9-patch can make for scalable graphics, but it’s a little known fact that 9-patch actually supports 25 slices! You just add two black lines on each side and it allows two regions to scale. This means you can have an icon in the centre of the image that is unaffected by scaling, reducing the complexity of your layout and increasing the performance of your apps.If you really want to get a feel for how Android uses drawables to skin its widgets, dive into the Android SDK folder you extracted onto your machine and look for the SDK/platforms/android-8/data/res/drawable-hdpi folder (8 is the SDK version, Android 2.2 in this case). Find the file named “btn_default_normal.9.png”, this is the default button we replaced earlier. Remember the HDPI folder contains higher-res versions of everything in the MDPI folder. Either way these files provide a valuable starting point for creating your own skins.
From here you may want to also look at the styles.xml and themes.xml files inside the Android SDK res folders. These provide valuable information about how the standard widgets are all styled. Additionally we have the fonts. By default the “typeface” attribute only has a few limited options, but through code you can load and use custom font files with a combination of TypeFace.createFromAsset() and TextView.setTypeface().
In the past Android has been plagued by device manufacturers adding their own custom themes which can make your apps look unpredictable, from HTC's white buttons to Samsung's black buttons. With Android 4.0 developers can specify the new Holo theme and know that it will not change across devices regardless of the manufacturer’s custom theme. Either way if you have decided you want to customise the style of your widgets, you should go the whole hog, this way you know it will look exactly as you want and really stand out from standard looking apps.
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