Should I hire an ex-Amazon employee to write appeals?
Amazonians can provide excellent insights – if they are real and relevant
Writing Amazon
appeals requires a special set of skills. Persuasive, clear prose
helps. Responsiveness and attentiveness to the client are a plus.
But more important than anything else is a true understanding how
Amazon works for and with third-party sellers. Who embodies this last
set of skills? The best candidates are ex-Amazon employees and long-term
Amazon sellers.
When we launched Riverbend Consulting, our team
included two Amazon sellers and one ex-Amazonian. Since that time,
we’ve dramatically grown our ex-Amazon staff. Today, we have eleven
Amazonians who fill consultant and analyst positions.
Fake Amazonians everywhere
Unfortunately, we’ve noticed an ugly trend in our industry. Many
consulting firms are claiming to have ex-Amazon employees on staff –
when they have only one or none at all. If you want an edge with your
account or ASIN appeal, you’re better off with a firm that has real
Amazon knowledge in-house.
Here are some strategies to be sure you’re getting the expertise that you have paid for:
Check the web site. Companies that have real
Amazonians on staff advertise it on their team page. Ex-Amazon employees
are a valuable asset, so their bios will be included as well.
Ask questions. If a firm claims to have ex-Amazon
employees, ask for names and details. Confirm they actually work at the
company full-time and aren’t simply a name used to draw in business.
Determine their departments. For straight-up appeal
writing, a team that includes Seller Performance and Seller Support
experience is your best bet. Those with knowledge in other areas could
be helpful for long-term account management and performance.
Find out how long they’ve been gone. Processes and
people change continually at Amazon. This makes more recent
experience critical. While knowing the “Amazon way” of thinking and
working is incredibly valuable, at least a few employees should be more
recent Amazon team members to ensure fresh, relevant knowledge.
What can ex-amazon employees do for you?
At Riverbend, our ex-Amazonians hail from a wide range of
departments: Seller Performance, Seller Support, Account Health Services
and AWS.
Should I hire an ex-amazon employee to write appeals? Our Seller
Support pros know strategies for ungating issues, catalog folks don’t.
Our Seller Performance team members understand nuances of the appeal
process unlike anyone else. Likewise, our Account Health
Services employees provide great feedback on how sellers can extract
information about their accounts.
Amazon can be quite siloed. Employing experts who have worked in
many of these silos gives us access to a broader range of information
and strategies to help our sellers solve their ongoing challenges with
Amazon. Best of all, we are well-equipped to provide prophylactic
strategies that head off problems before they occur.
When a client has a question that one of our team members cannot
answer, it goes into the company chat. Chances are, one of our
ex-Amazonians knows the right information – or how we can get it.
What’s more, not every employee can be an ex-Amazonian. But we
have enough Amazon knowledge in-house that our non-Amazon staff
receives extensive training and mentoring from those who spent time at
Amazon. It makes for a great mix of consulting know-how, people skills
and domain expertise. So, should you hire an ex-amazon employee to write
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