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Friday, September 12, 2014

Change The Way You Framework

If your website has gone all grumpy and refuses to run well on other devices it is time to think about a serious change. There is no use to chant the same mantra about the necessity of responsive web design you know it is important. What your concern right now should be, is to find a responsive front-end CSS Framework to make your website a delight to see and browse.

CSS Framework

What better way to make your website responsive than to install Twitter Bootstrap (now version3.3.1 released). It is trusted, widely used and arguably the best CSS Framework present in the web as evident on GitHub where it is the most starred development project continuously since February 2012. Their reach is from NASA to msnbc who have used it as their choice of front-end CSS Framework so has nearly 4 million other websites( according to BuiltWith) worldwide built on Bootstrap. Built as a way to remove the non-uniformity within the various libraries used to develop an interface, Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton of Twitter developed a worldwide web phenomenon which they released as open source on August 2010. Though, it became a responsive framework in the version 2.0.

A brief overview
  • A responsive framework integrating CSS and JS to build mobile friendly websites on internet.
  • Bootstrap uses both LESS and SASS preprocessors for its source code.
  • Answers all the needs of a web developer, build websites of any device from a smartphone to desktop.
  • Reliable documentation, large community support to help you out with impressive jQuery plugins.
Yes, it is as good as it says
If you take a deeper look inside reveals this front-end CSS Framework as more than an outward charm. We've peeled layer after layer to bring out what is the best of this responsive framework.
  • Mobile First : With Bootstrap 3.0 mobile first approach has been incorporated in the spirit of this CSS Framework. There is no separate file that contains mobile friendly styles rather it is now existent everywhere in the library.
  • Glyphs : Bootstrap brings you a wide rage of glyphs from Glyphicon Halflings set, made available free of cost specifically for Bootstrap by Glyphicon.
  • Dropdowns : It offers various functions- alignment, headers and disable menu items and adds a variety in your drop down menu, making it dynamic with dropdown JavaScript plugin.
  • Button groups : Add diversity to the way you add buttons to your website. From their sizing, nesting them or making a toolbar do more with the buttons plugin.
  • Navs and Navbar : Bootstrap has various navigation solutions like tabs, pills to make website more seamless. Available navs have shared codes with base .nav class and to compliment them it has responsive toggle-able navigation headers or navbar. It molds according to the viewport size.
  • Breadcrumbs : Have smooth navigation and create a pecking order in the websites. Breadcrumbs feature comes to the rescue to save your time and effort.
  • Pagination : Add more content and create a stack of data on a particular topic in various pages via pagination.
  • Jumbotron : Helps you to outline the important content of your website by selectively changing (usually extend) the viewport size and attract viewers.
  • Thumbnails : Add another dimension to the grid system of Bootstrap with thumbnail. Text, images, videos and various other items can be incorporated in grids.
  • Progress Bars : Add the current progress of any application or action with a variety of Progress bars like striped, animated or stacked.
  • List group and Panels : Customize data into lists with custom design and content or create panels with tables or list group itself.
  • Responsive embed : Videos and slideshow can run smoothly on any device as it allows the browser to detect their width of the containing block. It implies to elements <object>,<video>,<iframe> and <embed>. If you want the styling to correlate with other attributes use class .embed-responsive-item.

Too much information? Even I am overwhelmed writing about its colossal features. This is exactly why you need to try this versatile and responsive CSS Framework today. It has a plugin for your every need, you'll feel as if all your thoughts have been coded into the framework.

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