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Monday, November 14, 2011

Google+ Introduces Gaming Feature

In the last few days Google has done everything to pull Facebook down in the social networking after the launch his Google+ project. In the last week we have already written a post in which Google mentioned that they have increased the speed of Google+1 button & Today they introduces a new gaming feature in Google+. If you are addicted to gaming then this must be a good news for you that you can play an interesting games too on Google+ along with social networking. the gaming section is at the top of your stream where you see your profile & other tabs.
Here is the official statement from google that When you’re ready to play, the Games page is waiting—click the games button at the top of your stream. You can see the latest game updates from your circles, browse the invites you’ve received and check out games that people you know have played recently. The Games page is also where your game accomplishments will appear. So you can comfortably share your latest high score—your circles will only see the updates when they’re interested in playing games too.If you’re not interested in games, it’s easy to ignore them. Your stream will remain focused on conversations with the people you care about.
You might want to try this games as soon as possible & here is the screenshot & a video which shows which type of games you can play on google+.
Since, Google has announced that they introduced this gaming feature in Google+ but it may take some time to appear in your profile. Do share your Gaming experience with us after you try this feature on your profile.

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