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Thursday, April 23, 2020

React Error Handling And Reporting With Error Boundary And Sentry

In this article, we’ll look at error boundaries in React. We’ll learn what they are and how to use them to deliver a better user experience, even when something breaks in our app. We’ll also learn how to integrate with Sentry for realtime error monitoring.
This tutorial is aimed at React developers of every level who wants to start using error boundaries in their react apps.
The only prerequisite is that you have some familiarity with React class components.
I will be using Yarn as my package manager for this project. You’ll find installation instructions for your specific operating system over here.

What Is An Error Boundary And Why Do We Need It?

A picture, they say, is worth a thousand words. For that reason, I’d like to talk about error boundaries using — you guessed it — pictures.
The illustration below shows the component tree of a simple React app. It has a header, a sidebar on the left, and the main component, all of which is wrapped by a root <App /> component.

In an ideal world, we would expect to see the app rendered this way every single time. But, unfortunately, we live in a non-ideal world. Problems, (bugs), can surface in the frontend, backend, developer’s end, and a thousand other ends. The problem could happen in either of our three components above. When this happens, our beautifully crafted app comes crashing down like a house of cards.
React encourages thinking in terms of components. Composing multiple smaller components is better than having a single giant component. Working this way helps us think about our app in simple units. But aside from that won’t it be nice if we could contain any errors that might happen in any of the components? Why should a failure in a single component bring down the whole house?

In the early days of React, this was very much the case. And worse, sometimes you couldn’t even figure out what the problem was. The React repository on Github has some of such notable errors here, here, and here.
React 16 came to the rescue with the concept of an “error boundary”. The idea is simple. Erect a fence around a component to keep any fire in that component from getting out.
The illustration below shows a component tree with an <ErrorBoundary /> component wrapping the <Main /> component. Note that we could certainly wrap the other components in an error boundary if we wanted. We could even wrap the <App /> component in an error boundary.

As we discussed earlier, this red line keeps any errors that occur in the <Main /> component from spilling out and crashing both the <Header /> and <LeftSideBar /> components. This is why we need an error boundary.
Now that we have a conceptual understanding of an error boundary, let’s now get into the technical aspects.

What Makes A Component An Error Boundary?

As we can see from our component tree, the error boundary itself is a React component. According to the docs,
A class component becomes an error boundary if it defines either (or both) of the lifecycle methods static getDerivedStateFromError() or componentDidCatch().
There are two things to note here. Firstly, only a class component can be used as an error boundary. Even if you’re writing all your components as function, you still have to make use of a class component if you want to have an error boundary. Secondly, it must define either (or both) of static getDerivedStateFromError() or componentDidCatch(). Which one(s) you define depends on what you want to accomplish with your error boundary.

Functions Of An Error Boundary

An error boundary isn’t some dumb wall whose sole purpose in life is to keep a fire in. Error boundaries do actual work. For starters, they catch javascript errors. They can also log those errors, and display a fallback UI. Let’s go over each of \these functions one after the other.

Catch JavaScript Errors

When an error is thrown inside a component, the error boundary is the first line of defense. In our last illustration, if an error occurs while rendering the <Main /> component, the error boundary catches this error and prevents it from spreading outwards.

Logs Those Errors

This is entirely optional. You could catch the error without logging it. It is up to you. You can do whatever you want with the errors thrown. Log them, save them, send them somewhere, show them to your users (you really don’t want to do this). It’s up to you.
But to get access to the errors you have to define the componentDidCatch() lifecycle method.

Render A Fallback UI

This, like logging the errors, is entirely optional. But imagine you had some important guests, and the power supply was to go out. I’m sure you don’t want your guests groping in the dark, so you invent a technology to light up the candles instantaneously. Magical, hmm. Well, your users are important guests, and you want to afford them the best experience in all situations. You can render a fallback UI with static getDerivedStateFromError() after an error has been thrown.
It is important to note that error boundaries do not catch errors for the following situations:
  1. Errors inside event handlers.
  2. Errors in asynchronous code (e.g. setTimeout or requestAnimationFrame callbacks).
  3. Errors that happen when you’re doing some server-side rendering.
  4. Errors are thrown in the error boundary itself (rather than its children). You could have another error boundary catch this error, though.

Working With Error Boundaries

Let’s now dive into our code editor. To follow along, you need to clone the repo. After cloning the repo, check out the 01-initial-setup branch. Once that is done, run the following commands to start the app.
# install project dependencies
yarn install

# start the server
yarn start
When started, the app renders to what we have

The app currently has a header and two columns. Clicking on Get images in the left column makes an API call to the URL https://picsum.photos/v2/list?page=0&limit=2 and displays two pictures. On the right column, we have some description texts and two buttons.
When we click the Replace string with object button, we’ll replace the text {"function":"I live to crash"}, which has been stringified, with the plain JavaScript object. This will trigger an error as React does not render plain JavaScript objects. This will cause the whole page to crash and go blank. We’ll have to refresh the page to get back our view.
Try it for yourself.
Now refresh the page and click the Invoke event handler button. You’ll see an error screen popup, with a little X at the top right corner. Clicking on it removes the error screen and shows you the rendered page, without any need to refresh. In this case, React still knows what to display even though an error is thrown in the event handler. In a production environment, this error screen won’t show up at all and the page will remain intact. You can only see that something has gone wrong if you look in the developer console.

Note: To run the app in production mode requires that you install serve globally. After installing the server, build the app, and start it with the below command.
# build the app for production
yarn build

# serve the app from the build folder
serve -s build
Having seen how React handles two types of errors, (rendering error, and event handler error), let’s now write an error boundary component.
Create a new ErrorBoundary.js file inside the /src folder and let’s build the error boundary component piece by piece.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

export default class ErrorBoundary extends Component {
  state = {
    error: '',
    errorInfo: '',
    hasError: false,
  static getDerivedStateFromError(error) {
    return { hasError: true, error };
  componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.log({ error, errorInfo });
    this.setState({ errorInfo });
  render() {
    // next code block goes here
  return this.props.children;
ErrorBoundary.propTypes = {
  children: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.object, PropTypes.array ]).isRequired,
We define both of the two lifecycle methods that make a component an error boundary. Whenever an error occurs inside the error boundary’s child component, both of our lifecycle methods are activated.
  1. static getDerivedStateFromError() receives the error and updates the state variables, error and hasError.
  2. componentDidCatch() receives the error, which represents the error that was thrown and errorInfo which is an object with a componentStack key containing information about which component threw the error. Here we logged the error and also update the state with the errorInfo. It’s totally up to you what you want to do with these two.
Then in the render method, we return this.props.children, which represents whatever component that this error boundary encloses.
Let’s add the final piece of code. Copy the following code and paste it inside the render() method.
const { hasError, errorInfo } = this.state;
if (hasError) {
  return (
    <div className="card my-5">
      <div className="card-header">
          There was an error in loading this page.{' '}
            style={{ cursor: 'pointer', color: '#0077FF' }}
            onClick={() => {
            Reload this page
          </span>{' '}
      <div className="card-body">
        <details className="error-details">
          <summary>Click for error details</summary>
          {errorInfo && errorInfo.componentStack.toString()}
In the render() method, we check if hasError is true. If it is, then we render the <div className="card my-5"></div> div, which is our fallback UI. Here, we’re showing information about the error and an option to reload the page. However, in a production environment, it is not advised to show the error to the user. Some other message would be fine.
Let’s now make use of our ErrorBoundary component. Open up App.js, import ErrorBoundary and render ColumnRight inside it.
# import the error boundary
import ErrorBoundary from './ErrorBoundary';

# wrap the right column with the error boundary
  <ColumnRight />
Now click on Replace string with object. This time, the right column crashes and the fallback UI is displayed. We’re showing a detailed report about where the error happened.

We can see that everything else remains in place. Click on Get images to confirm that it still works as expected.
At this point, I want to mention that with error boundaries, you can go as granular as you want. This means that you can use as many as necessary. You could even have multiple error boundaries in a single component.
With our current use of Error Boundary, clicking Replace string with object crashes the whole right column. Let’s see how we can improve on this.
Open up src/columns/ColumnRight.js, import ErrorBoundary and render the second <p> block inside it. This is the paragraph that crashes the <ColumnRight /> component.
# import the component
import ErrorBoundary from '../ErrorBoundary';

# render the erring paragraph inside it.
  Clicking this button will replace the stringified object,{' '}
    <code>{text}</code>, with the original object. This will result in a
  rendering error.
Now click on Replace string with object.
This time, we still have most of the page intact. Only the second paragraph is replaced with our fallback UI.
Click around to make sure everything else is working.
If you’d like to check out my code at this point you should check out the 02-create-eb branch.
In case you’re wondering if this whole error boundary thing is cool, let me show you what I captured on Github a few days ago. Look at the red outline

I’m not certain about what is happening here, but it sure looks like an error boundary.
Error boundaries are cool, but we don’t want errors in the first place. So, we need to monitor errors as they occur so we can get a better idea of how to fix them. In this section, we’ll learn how Sentry can help us in that regard.

I’m not certain about what is happening here, but it sure looks like an error boundary.
Error boundaries are cool, but we don’t want errors in the first place. So, we need to monitor errors as they occur so we can get a better idea of how to fix them. In this section, we’ll learn how Sentry can help us in that regard.

Integrating With Sentry

As I opened the Sentry homepage while writing this line, I was greeted by this message.
Software errors are inevitable. Chaos is not.
Sentry provides self-hosted and cloud-based error monitoring that helps all software teams discover, triage, and prioritize errors in real-time.
Sentry is a commercial error reporting service. There are many other companies that provide similar services. My choice of Sentry for this article is because it has a free developer plan that lets me log up to 5,000 events per month across all my projects (pricing docs). An event is a crash report (also known as an exception or error). For this tutorial, we will be making use of the free developer plan.
You can integrate Sentry with a lot of web frameworks. Let’s go over the steps to integrate it into our React project.
  1. Visit the Sentry website and create an account or login if you already have one.
  2. Click on Projects in the left navigation. Then, click on Create Project to start a new project.
  3. Under Choose a platform, select React.
  4. Under Set your default alert settings check Alert me on every new issue.
  5. Give your project a name and click Create project. This will create the project and redirect you to the configuration page.
Let’s install the Sentry browser SDK.
# install Sentry
yarn add @sentry/browser
On the configuration page, copy the browser SDK initialization code and paste it into your index.js file.
import * as Sentry from '@Sentry/browser';

# Initialize with Data Source Name (dsn)
Sentry.init({ dsn: 'dsn-string' });
And that is enough for Sentry to start sending error alerts. It says in the docs,
Note: On its own, @Sentry/browser will report any uncaught exceptions triggered from your application.
Click on Got it! Take me to the issue stream to proceed to the issues dashboard. Now return to your app in the browser and click on the red buttons to throw some error. You should get email alerts for each error (Sometimes the emails are delayed). Refresh your issues dashboard to see the errors.

The Sentry dashboard provides a lot of information about the error it receives. You can see information such as a graph of the frequency of occurrence of each error event type. You can also assign each error to a team member. There’s a ton of information. Do take some time to explore them to see what is useful to you.
You can click on each issue to see more detailed information about the error event.
Now let’s use Sentry to report errors that are caught by our error boundary. Open ErrorBoundary.js and update the following pieces of code.
# import Sentry
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser'

# add eventId to state
state = {
  error: '',
  eventId: '', // add this to state
  errorInfo: '',
  hasError: false,

# update componentDidCatch
componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
  console.log({ error, errorInfo });
  Sentry.withScope((scope) => {
    const eventId = Sentry.captureException(error);
    this.setState({ eventId, errorInfo });
With this setup, Sentry sends all errors captured by our error boundary to our issue dashboard using the Sentry.captureException method.
Sentry also gives us a tool to collect user feedback. Let’s add the feedback button as part of our fallback UI inside our error boundary.
Open ErrorBoundary.js and add the feedback button just after the div with a className of card-body. You could place this button anywhere you like.
<div className="card-body">

# add the Sentry button
  className="bg-primary text-light"
  onClick={() =>
    Sentry.showReportDialog({ eventId: this.state.eventId })
  Report feedback
Now, whenever our fallback UI is rendered, the Report feedback button is displayed. Clicking on this button opens a dialog that the user can fill to provide us with feedback.

Go ahead and trigger an error, then, fill and submit the feedback form. Now go to your Sentry dashboard and click on User Feedback in the left navigation. You should see your reported feedback.

Currently, we get alerts for every error, even those that happen during development. This tends to clog our issue stream. Let’s only report errors that happen in production.
On the left navigation click on Settings. Underneath the ORGANIZATION menu, click on Projects. In that list, click on your error boundary project. From Project Settings on the lefthand side, click on Inbound Filters. Look for Filter out events coming from localhost and enable it. This is just one of the numerous configurations that are available in Sentry. I encourage you to have a look around to see what might be useful for your project.


If you haven’t been using error boundaries in your React app, you should immediately add one at the top level of your app. Also, I encourage you to integrate an error reporting service into your project. We’ve seen how easy it is to get started with Sentry for free.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Amazon Vendor (1P) and Seller (3P): What’s the difference and what to know


I’m often asked about the best approaches to being an Amazon seller. One of the most common questions is, “should I and can I be an Amazon vendor, or should I not even try and stick with being a 3P seller?”

No doubt, Amazon.com is the must-have sales channel for most brands. Knowing and choosing how to sell on Amazon can be a challenge. The differences between these two Amazon sub-channels are significant. And for most brands, the choice is simple once those differences are understood.

What are you on Amazon now, 1P or 3P?

It’s likely that you’re a 3P seller vs. 1P vendor on Amazon, but let’s shake it out a bit:

The 1P seller: Being an Amazon “1P” seller means you are a member of the Amazon vendor program, which means you’re acting as a wholesale supplier to Amazon. It’s much the same way you would sell products to a brick-and-mortar retailer. Products from 1P sellers make up about one-third of retail sales on Amazon. Amazon chooses which items to offer from a vendor’s catalog of goods and submits purchase orders to the vendor. The items listed for sale show that they are “sold by” and “shipped by” Amazon.com. This makes Amazon the seller of record. Amazon also decides the pricing for these goods. Note this is an invitation-only program, but it’s also possible to wrangle an invite (with the right connections, that is).

The 3P seller: A 3P seller refers to third-party sellers on the Amazon Marketplace. These businesses are responsible for about two-thirds of retail sales on Amazon. They are the sellers of record for their items. Sellers operate independently of Amazon, choosing which products to sell on the platform and at what prices. Any brand that sells legal products can set up an Amazon seller account. The process does not require an application.

Pros and cons, being an Amazon seller (3P)

Amazon third-party sellers can choose between two fulfillment methods for their sales:

Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA). 3P sellers ship their inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers, where orders are picked, packed and shipped by Amazon for a fee. This carries the added benefit of the Prime badge, since FBA items almost always qualify for free two-day shipping to Prime members.

Fulfilled by Merchant (FBM). 3P sellers either ship the items themselves or use a third-party logistics firm to store and fulfill orders from Amazon customers.

Amazon third-party sellers have more power and control over their brand on the platform:
– They choose which products to offer and at what price.
– They can launch products on Amazon without needing approval.
– They can change pricing whenever they wish.
– They can offer products by FBA, FBM or both.
– They control their own advertising campaigns, coupons and other brand-building strategies.
– They control their listing detail pages and enhanced brand content, which can be beautifully built out to prompt more sales.

With the power and control, however, comes additional responsibility. For example, third-party sellers are expected to answer buyer messages. If orders are FBM, sellers must provide customer service including returns and refunds.

In addition, sellers must keep a close eye on their FBA inventory. Items in the Amazon Fulfillment Centers are regularly damaged or lost. Sellers have to file claims to be reimbursed for this inventory, or hire a service provider to do it for them. There are also significant fees associated with selling via FBA. Sellers must stay on top of these fees and understand how they affect bottom-line profitability.

Finally, sellers are subject to a much higher level of enforcement by Amazon’s risk management departments. Products or even seller accounts can be suspended based on buyer complaints or violations of the rules.

Pros and cons, being a 1P Amazon vendor

Many vendors ship their products to Amazon fulfillment centers, where Amazon takes possession of the inventory. In some cases, vendors act as drop-shippers for Amazon and fulfill orders themselves.

In either case, the vendor does not decide the offer price for their goods. Amazon does – and Amazon doesn’t honor MAP, or minimum advertised pricing programs. This can be problematic for brands trying to maintain integrity for their prices across sales platforms and stores. Other web sites or retailers can become angry when Amazon is undercutting them on price, which can lead to tricky negotiations for future purchase orders.

Amazon also may choose to stop offering products that are important to the vendor. Perhaps Amazon was not making a profit on a particular item, or their automated systems decided a new addition to the catalog didn’t make sense. This can be painful to a vendor, which may have been counting on revenue from new product launches or past best-sellers that Amazon no longer wants to offer.

Amazon truly has all the power over vendors. It also can play hardball when negotiating purchase prices, and it automatically rejects many requests for price increases from vendors – even when those price increases are the result of inflation.

In addition, as part of its vendor agreement, Amazon pushes for hefty fees and allowances. These include a marketing co-op, returns allowance, overstock allowance, damage allowance and freight allowance. These can really add up, making the bottom line less healthy than expected.

Where does the vendor program make sense? Brands with large, heavy items usually end up better off financially as Amazon vendor, thanks to very high fees for large, heavy items on the 3P seller side. Vendors also sidestep many of the hassles of online selling, since Amazon handles customer service issues including returns, refunds, buyer messaging and more.

In addition, vendors benefit from higher sales velocity that comes with the Amazon Prime badge, as well as Amazon’s more favorable algorithmic treatment of its own products in search results.

Ready to choose?

For the vast majority of sellers, 3P selling offers better brand control and opportunities for revenue growth on Amazon than as a 1P vendor. This does require additional infrastructure and personnel, as well as skills around inventory management, optimization and advertising. If the goal is to control the ultimate destiny of the brand, leverage the strength and ubiquity of the Amazon platform – without being dependent on Amazon for purchase orders.

In the end, there is greater flexibility and control when operating as a 3P seller vs. 1P vendor on Amazon. But for the limited few, 1P is simpler, more centralized and can exponentially increase sales volume.

What’s the best strategy for you? Need a deeper dive into considerations and concerns? Let us know. We can talk you through the decision-making process.

This simple hack can save your business


Prepping inventory for FBA means thinking the process through

The Amazon seller was baffled. His account had been shut down for inauthentic goods. But he sourced all inventory direct from the manufacturer. How could this be?

He sold thousands of pairs of shoes every month. We discussed his business processes at length. How was he prepping inventory for FBA?

“Tell me about your boxes. Are they the original branded shoeboxes?” I asked.

“Yes, of course,” he said.

“And how are you keeping the boxes closed?” I asked.


Turns out, the seller was not securing the shoeboxes.

How did I know? Complaint after complaint said that pairs of shoes did not match. They were two different sizes, brands or colors. It’s a perfect example of not thinking through how the FBA fulfillment center handles sellers’ inventory. Unsecured boxes may be spilled out of cartons or open in the warehouse. It’s unreasonable to expect that Amazon employees will carefully re-pair shoes that have become mixed up.

The solution? For this seller, I suggested plastic bands that could be used to secure the boxes without damaging the cardboard. Rubber bands will work for fast-moving items, but they should not be used if inventory will remain in the FC for long. Cold or heat could cause them to become brittle and break.


Selling items as sets

Many sellers send ASINs to the fulfillment center bundled together as a set. Unfortunately, workers at the Amazon warehouse can make tremendous mistakes by separating items that are meant to be sold together.

For example:

  • One client sold a two-pack of a medicine that was shrink-wrapped together. Amazon workers broke the two-packs into singles, causing many complaints when buyers did not receive two items.
  • Another client sold a bundle with multiple components in a polybag. Amazon workers broke the bundles up, which caused havoc.

How can sellers prevent these problems? Add a prominent sticker that says: “Sold as a set. Do not separate.” This should stop the fulfillment center from making such egregious mistakes.

When in doubt, box, polybag or shrink-wrap

Amazon fulfillment centers are not sterile environments. Products are moved around multiple times. They become dusty and dirty. They are dropped on the floor. The best solution for most products? Keep them clean, safe and in brand-new condition by placing them into protective packaging. This could mean placing them in a box, a polybag, or shrink wrap. This is an extra step that takes time and costs a few pennies. But it will more than pay off with fewer buyer complaints.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Why Amazon takes action on fake intellectual property claims


Have you heard of fake intellectual property (IP) claims through Amazon FBA communities or social media?

An intellectual property claim occurs under the false infringement claim where a customer, brand, or competitor submits a claim on Amazon stating that you’re selling counterfeit goods or a patented product without the patent owner’s permission.

Usually, when a brand files an IP complaint against a seller, Amazon is legally obliged to take action against the seller in question. This means removing the listing following a facially valid complaint for either copyright infringement, patent infringement, or trademark infringement. Amazon can also bar you from selling the product or ban you from ever selling on the platform.

The thing is, Amazon doesn’t typically look into the validity of an infringement claim when filed and will proceed to take action immediately. Because of that, there has been an increase in abusers of false infringement claims. Today anyone, including the brand owner or a competitor, can file a “fake” IP claim that could land you in trouble with Amazon. When a fake intellectual property claim is filed, it’s up to you or your lawyer to prove that the infringement claim is fake. If not, Amazon considers such a claim valid and actionable.

Continue reading to learn more about how fake intellectual property claims are filed, what action Amazon takes, and what to do when faced with such a predicament.

What is a fake IP claim?

An intellectual property claim is a complaint from a brand owner to Amazon regarding a product listing. The IP claim doesn’t touch on your inventory in Amazon fulfilling centers. Usually, an IP or copyright claim is filed when the brand owner believes that a product page on Amazon is using copy, image description, bullet points, and the brand name without the brand owner’s permission.

An IP claim is a serious infringement that might get you banned from selling on Amazon. Some brands file IP claims to control the listing and who sells their products. A fake intellectual property claim is usually filed for malicious reasons, primarily by a competitor or the brand owner.

So, why should you worry about fake intellectual property claims? Well, Amazon doesn’t have measures to determine if an IP claim is genuine or fake. They will take action first – act now, and ask questions later.

As long as the person filing the complaint fills the form correctly and fully, Amazon pulls down the listing and bars you from selling the product. Ideally, Amazon receives so many form submissions every day. So rather than risk legal repercussions from a brand owner for not taking action, Amazon takes a more aggressive route. They simply ensure the form is filled in correctly and then take down the listing. And that’s not even the worst part. Amazon leaves it up to you to track down whoever made the infringement claim and prove to them that the allegations were false.

Also, it’s worth noting that an IP claim will remain visible on your seller account for six months and then disappears. But that doesn’t mean that you’re in the clear. Amazon keeps track of your IP and counterfeit claims, so just because they may disappear after six months doesn’t mean that Amazon doesn’t know they were on file. When claims add up, they end up hurting your seller metrics.

Why is Brand Registry helpful for IP claims?

The Amazon Brand Registry is a program created by Amazon to manage the overwhelming work associated with receiving IP complaints, acting on them, and entertaining appeals related to them.

While it helps mainly Amazon more than the seller to avoid legal repercussions like lawsuits, Brand Registry does help identify brand owners to Amazon. The program helps brand owners protect their intellectual property. The program has a dedicated team you can contact to report IP infringements and policy violations. If buyers are leaving negative reviews on your listing because someone is selling a knock-off of your product or a product in bad condition, you can file for IP and trademark infringement against the said seller.

Do competitors file fake IP claims?

While IP claims are filed mainly by brand owners, competitors and black hat sellers sometimes file fake IP claims. At other times, the brand owner is taking a more aggressive route or being unfair with their IP complaints by filing a fake claim.

A competitor or black hat seller filing a fake intellectual property claim on Amazon will not use a valid email but a Gmail, Yahoo, or Hotmail address. They may also use a fake law firm address to file the complaint. Either way, Amazon still has to take legal action.

Usually, if someone swears under penalty of perjury that their intellectual property has been abused, Amazon has no choice but to pull down the listing from their platform. Amazon doesn’t owe it to you to investigate whether the claim is genuine or fake. Their loyalty is to themselves first because the company risks legal suits from brand owners for not taking action against an IP claim. So, the easiest course of action is to treat all IP infringement claims the same way regardless of whether the complainant is the actual brand owner, competitor, or black hat seller.

How do valid brand owners file fake IP claims?

Now unbelievably, even valid brand owners make fake IP claims, and there is nothing you can do about it. Brand owners file fake complaints to try and control the sales of their products which is actually against Amazon’s terms of service. If you suspect that the brand owner has filed a complaint for this exact reason, you can take it up with Amazon Seller Support, who will take action against the brand for violating its terms of service.

So, how do valid brand owners file fake claims? Here’s how:

  • The brand owner claims the sale of counterfeit goods: Brand owners might argue that the item you are selling is counterfeit even if it’s not. They do this even without a test buyer to keep sellers and resellers off their listings. Selling counterfeit items is a cardinal sin on Amazon, and a brand owner who files a complaint on this basis knows that your account might get suspended or your listing removed permanently.
  • The brand owner claims copyright and trademark infringement: A brand owner might also make a false claim that another seller is violating their trademark or copyright. This can happen even though you are selling the correct product and not violating any IP law. Copyright infringement happens when a seller uses a brand’s images or text without proper authorization from the brand in question to use it on Amazon. Ideally, product listings, physical products, and packaging can’t include copyrighted images or content unless the copyright owner explicitly authorizes it. A trademark infringement involves using words or symbols registered to a specific product or company that shouldn’t be used or reproduced without the company’s authorization.

Either way, whether the brand owner is filing the complaint to keep sellers off their listings or you actually violated IP laws, Amazon has no choice but to act legally and swiftly take down your listing. All the brand owner needs to do is fill out a form and swear under penalty of perjury that you’re abusing their intellectual property.


Receiving an intellectual property claim is frustrating, especially if you have a lot of inventory at the Amazon FBA warehouse. It means you can no longer sell the items on Amazon if the brand prohibits it. An IP claim will result in your listing being taken down, your account suspended, or a ban from selling on Amazon.

The good news is that these fake intellectual property claims are appealable regardless of the situation. It is not Amazon’s job to investigate whether the claim is genuine or false but yours. Start the appeal process if you believe that the IP claim that resulted in your listing being taken down was fake. Usually, these appeals win as long as they are supported with good documentation.

Location matters: Who is writing your Amazon appeals?


Some tasks are far too important to send overseas. Know who is writing your Amazon appeals.

Who is writing your Amazon appeals? Should a virtual assistant (VA) on the other side of the globe write an appeal letter for your Amazon account?

In far too many cases, if you hire a company to help with your appeals, that’s exactly what happens. VAs can be extremely valuable to Amazon third-party sellers. But they are typically not well-suited to writing ASIN or account appeals.

What makes a great appeal writer?

At Riverbend, we have built a large team of consultants and account analysts. Our recipe for appeal writing success is as follows:

  1. Domain expertise. Our team includes professionals with backgrounds in investigations, retail and warehouse operations, online selling and more. Most have worked at Amazon here in the United States, in Seller Performance, Account Health Services or Seller Support. Many have sold on Amazon. All understand how businesses run in the United States, as well as how Amazon sellers operate. 
  2. Interviewing and problem-solving skills. An effective appeal to Amazon isn’t just about telling Seller Performance what they wish to hear. Rather, it truly solves the underlying business issues causing complaints or problems. Our consultants speak with clients and suss out the problems. They advise our clients, answer their in-depth questions, and work together on real-world, effective solutions.
  3. Strong language skills. Certainly appeal writing is serious business that requires a full command of the English language – written and spoken. In addition, a knowledge of the colloquialisms of the marketplace in question is a huge plus.
Who is writing your Amazon appeals?

What are the gaps for overseas appeal writers?

When companies rely on overseas VAs to write appeals, it can cause a wide range of problems:

  1. No phone support. Sellers should have phone and email access to the person who is writing their Amazon appeals, so they can explain the issue, ask questions, and arrive at a solution. Email support – direct with the appeal writer – should be a given. If a seller doesn’t have the ability to speak with the consultant or another well-versed team member, how can they get answers to important queries?
  2. Language skills. It’s difficult enough appealing to Amazon without language challenges.
  3. Lack of a big-picture vision. Overseas VAs are typically finding a sample past appeal they think might be close to the client’s situation. Then they cut-and-paste together a document that may or may not be relevant. This is not a recipe for long-term success – especially since it does nothing to solve the underlying issue.
  4. Lack of in-depth Amazon expertise. Overseas VAs typically have not worked in Seller Performance or Seller Support. They don’t know paths to escalate – which are critical these days. By using US-based, knowledgeable resources, you are much more likely to gain insights into your account and a positive result.

Look out for bait-and-switch

Service companies of all sizes and types pull bait-and-switch scams on Amazon sellers. A salesperson or account manager convinces the Amazon seller to sign up for their services. After that, one of two things might happen:

  1. Some companies give Amazon sellers form-letter appeals that were edited by an overseas VA to fit their situation. This customization is based solely on the notes take by the salesperson. No conversations ever happen with the appeal writer.
  2. Other companies use their more highly paid consultants to write account appeals. But if they sign clients up for ongoing account monitoring or ASIN appeals, those appeals are created by overseas VAs. Sometimes, US-based resources run interference so that clients don’t realize what is going on.

Why would someone do this? Simple. They are saving a lot of money on labor costs. Ownership makes a whole lot more money for sub-par service by untrained overseas resources.

The service you deserve

How can you know if you’re receiving quality service from skilled consultants?

  1. Look at the company web site. If a company has solid Amazon expertise, team members should be proudly featured online with details about their backgrounds.
  2. Only hire a company where a US-based team member answers the phone. Therefore, if you cannot get a human on the phone, run.
  3. Ask where the consultant working on your account is based. 
  4. Ask when the consultant will reach out to you by phone or email. Ensure you are going to be contacted by the consultant – and not by a go-between like an account manager or a sales rep.
  5. If your service firm uses VAs, ask which tasks this group handles. Reasonable answers are tasks like Amazon customer service messages, reimbursements, listings audits, and other similar functions.

A view from Seller Support: How to get the most out of Amazon reps


Does Amazon Seller Support continually frustrate you or your staff? If you’re a third-party seller on Amazon, the answer to this question is likely a resounding “yes!”

The Team includes many former Amazon employees from a wide range of departments, such as Seller Performance, Seller Support, Seller Account Health and Strategic Account Management. These quality professionals have some excellent suggestions for how to get the most out of your relationship with Seller Support.

A spoonful of sugar

The first piece of advice is the simplest – and most powerful. Being friendly and positive can go a long way with Amazon Seller Support reps.

“I worked in customer service/business support/seller support for over 15 years, and I am still surprised at how agents are treated,” one of our team members says. “I can’t tell you how many times I have been told to stick my computer in any number of uncomfortable places and then asked to do something extra for that same person.

“Excuse me, you just insulted me, my family, my dog, then shared your thoughts on my intelligence (or lack thereof) and now you want me to help you? Ummmm, not likely. Why would anyone want to do more than the bare minimum for someone who just got done insulting them and screaming at them through the telephone (or using all caps in an email)?”

Oftentimes, callers to Amazon Seller Support and Seller Account Health start things out all wrong – screaming about an issue before the rep even knows what’s going on.

“You said ‘Hello,’ and the next thing you heard was someone yelling profanities in your ear and insulting you,” our intrepid former SeSu rep said. Telling you how stupid your question is or asking how someone with so little intelligence makes it through the day on their own. After the initial shock, you would be angry about how you were treated, yet many people still feel there is nothing wrong with abusing the agents. This is a two-way street, treat people as you would want them to treat you, with professionalism and courtesy.”

“But, it’s their job!”

An agent’s job is to assist you, but it is not their job to be the target of your anger and frustration with the company they represent. A front-line agent has no power to change the policies within the company. As tempting or appropriate as it may seem to vent your thoughts and feelings about the company or the events which took place, it is never a good idea at this level.

As good as it may make you feel, these rants will usually work against you. The fact is, that agent may agree that the policy is unfair and that you have been put in a bad situation, but they are not the one who makes the policies.

If you have an issue with an Amazon Policy there are channels to voice your opinion, but front-line agents are not the way.

“Give me your supervisor right now … ”

A SeSu or Seller Account Health agent would like nothing more than to be able to pass an upset seller off to their supervisor and let them take the abuse; however, that is not how it works.

Agents are required to attempt to de-escalate the contact. If they are unable to do so, they may take your information for a supervisor callback. You may want to talk to that supervisor right now, but there may not be one available or may not even be one on the floor. Agents are hired for their ability to work without constant and direct supervision, so if you are told there is not a supervisor available, it is probably true.

Now that we have gone over a few of the “dont’s,” let’s look at ways to maximize each contact and have a better chance of achieving your objective.


Take a deep breath

If you are getting ready to contact Amazon, take your own temperature first. If you can feel the heat coming off your face, your fists are clenched, and your heart is pounding so hard that other people are slowly backing away from you … this may not be the time to call.

Take a breather, walk around a bit, or do something else until you are calmer. Coming in hot will not be good for anyone, and if you do it often enough will get you Final Worded. Also, NEVER make a threat to an Amazon agent, not even as a joke! Amazon has closed accounts for this, and there is no appeal process for that type of closure.

The clock is ticking

Unfortunately, Amazon’s front-line agents have metrics they must meet to keep their jobs. I say “unfortunately” because often this leads to a less-than- ideal seller experience when they are trying to help you. One of these metrics is Handle Time, the amount of time spent on each call or case while
working on it. While this may not matter to you, I assure you that it is in the back of the agent’s mind while they are helping you.
Having your thoughts and information organized and ready to go when you contact Amazon will work to everyone’s benefit:
  • Know what you want to ask and maybe even write down the questions you want to ask, so you do not forget.
  • Be logged into your Seller Central account before you call, so you can follow along with the agent.
  • If you have specific ASINs, shipments or orders you want to talk about, write the numbers down so you do not have to take time searching for them.

Pro Tip:

If you have multiple ASINs, orders, or shipments that you need to be addressed, say for “no listing” errors, limit them to 5-10 per case. Do not send a case with 100 ASINs. This will drag out the amount of time it takes to get your problem solved. By breaking it up into smaller groups, the workload will be spread to multiple agents rather than one agent having to do all of them. This means it gets done faster!

You catch more flies with honey

Be polite and professional on the phone or in your emails. Common courtesy goes a long way and will often get you that extra effort from the agent. Setting a positive tone for the contact will work to your benefit. When I am talking to a customer service agent, I always ask the agent how their day is going. After the initial surprise of someone asking that, they are happy to help me and will often do a little more.
There is no reason to insult an agent or demean them. You are a professional, so be sure to act like one. Amazon has a large overseas presence for their front-line agents. Realize that the person you speak with may have a heavy accent and work with that. If you are having trouble understanding them, ask them to speak more slowly but do not insult them. Prejudice is ugly in any form, and these are people that are working hard to do what they can.

It never hurts to ask, but you can’t always get what you want

If you are unsure whether something can be done, ask. If it can be done, the agent will try. If it can’t be done, then you may have to accept that. If you are asking for help on how to do something, listen to what the agent is telling you.
“It never ceased to amaze me how many people would call in asking how something should be done,” says one of our team members. “Then after telling them the right way (based on doing that job for years), they would tell me I was wrong. If you knew how to do it, then why did you call? My guess is that your way did not work.”

If the method that the agent tells you does not work, explain why so they can problem solve with you.

Statement + specifics = understanding

  • Make a statement about something you are experiencing or a problem you are having. Explain not only the main problem, but also the steps you have already taken or any error messages you are getting. “It’s not working” does not give any information. “When I try to create an inbound shipment, I receive this error message (and state the error message)” is something that an agent can work with.
  • Be clear and concise with the information you are presenting.
  • Answer the agent’s questions with answers, not sarcasm. If you feel the anger creeping back in, take a deep breath and try to stay calm.
  • We all know Amazon can be very frustrating, but calm is more effective than anger.
  • If you are looking at a specific screen or area of your Seller Central account, tell the agent what you are looking at so they can see what you see.
  • Stating the steps you have already taken will save both of you time by not repeating actions that have already failed. The agent may still try them again. If this happens, do not get insulted as if they do not believe you. It may be that they are required by the system to go through certain troubleshooting steps as part of the process within

Amazon workflows

We hope this view from “the other side” is helpful. Often, we are so caught up in our own situation that we lose touch with the person we really are, and our frustration gets the best of us. We are all professionals that are working within the policies set by Amazon – even the agents who work for Amazon.
If we recognize that we are not each other’s enemy and treat each other with respect, it will benefit everyone in the long run.

Create an invoice storage and filing system for your Amazon ASINs


Keeping your Amazon business organized will make it easy to manage all projects effectively. It will also help you understand your numbers as you scale your business. But there is another reason you need proper storage and filing system to keep track all your invoices. Now more than ever, Amazon is asking sellers for invoices from suppliers.

These invoice requests can be triggered by customer issues like complaints about product condition, quality, and authenticity. Sometimes, Amazon may even ask you for invoices even before your product has made its first sale.

This happens if Amazon’s algorithms detect that the item you’re selling will likely attract a complaint in the future.

Amazon has already established itself as a dominant force in the e-commerce space. Because of that, protecting the integrity of the marketplace is their driving force. Amazon doesn’t want to be known as the marketplace where counterfeit products are sold. To nip that growing fear, they need to establish that what you sell is new, safe and sourced from a legitimate supplier.

Keeping track of your invoices will help you easily track customer complaints and act as evidence should you face account issues like suspension.

Why do you need to have an invoise storage system for filing your invoices?

Invoice storage

Amazon is constantly enforcing strict policies to ensure the legitimacy of the marketplace remains. One of the policies is asking sellers to submit invoices from suppliers. Because of that, it’s vital that you have a storage system for filing your invoices. Here is a breakdown of why an invoice storage and filing system is essential to scale your business:

Complaints of inauthentic/counterfeit items: Buyers can complain to Amazon that a product purchased was counterfeit or inauthentic. One of the cardinal sins you can commit as an Amazon FBA seller is selling counterfeit goods. Doing so can see your account suspended without the possibility of appealing the suspension. But Amazon doesn’t just suspend your account when such a complaint comes through. They will first ask to see your invoices from the supplier. You have nothing to worry about if they determine that the product is authentic.

Complaints of poor product condition: Likewise, a buyer may complain to Amazon that the product was not in the condition stated. For instance, a used product sold as new will attract a complaint. When that happens, you will have to prove through supplier invoices that the products were new.

When Amazon suspends your ASIN: Amazon can suspend your ASIN for several reasons, including selling counterfeit and inauthentic goods, condition, or expiry issues to name a few. While you can appeal such an action, you will need to provide the necessary documents for Amazon to consider reinstating your listing. Such documents can include supplier invoices in case of inauthentic or counterfeit goods.

When going through the appeal process: The appeal process for suspended ASINs is long and tiresome. However, it’s nothing you can’t beat with a little patience and preparation.

What other areas of your Amazon business will you need invoices on the ready?

Running an Amazon business requires being on top of your game. Otherwise, you might find yourself on the wrong side of Amazon policies without even realizing it. So, what other areas of your business do you need to have invoices ready?

You will need to have your supplier invoices when filing for Amazon FBA reimbursements. Surprisingly, most Amazon sellers aren’t aware they are eligible for Amazon FBA reimbursements.

Billions of items are shipped every year through Fulfillment by Amazon. With such high volumes, mistakes are bound to happen. Unfortunately, such errors in the form of discrepancies will end up costing you money unless you know what measures to take.

Discrepancies are incorrect transactions against your Amazon seller account of items lost, destroyed, damaged, or disposed of. Sometimes, Amazon may fail to receive your inbound FBA shipments translating to a discrepancy. Discrepancies might also come in the form of overcharges in Amazon fees.

You are essentially losing money if you don’t file a claim for your FBA reimbursement. An Amazon reimbursement claim is simply a case you file with Amazon, so they can pay you the amount they owe you.

Essentially, when you do business with Amazon, you pay them to take care of all inventory management. If errors arise and your items get lost or damaged during transit or in their facility, you have a right to submit a claim. When you submit a reimbursement claim, sometimes, you might have to provide invoices to get your money. This is an integral reason having an invoicing system is vital to your business. Keeping track of your reimbursements requires diligence and process but having a process in place will pay off. An invoice storage and filing system can help immensely.

How to store, file and organize your invoices

Invoices can spare you a lot of headaches when you have issues with Amazon. On top of that, invoices come in handy when the time comes to close your books or file taxes. Here are 8 steps to storing, filing and organizing your invoices for easy retrieval when required:

  1. Scan all invoices that are not already in electronic form because Amazon only accepts invoices that are in electronic form.
  2. As an Amazon seller, the chances are that you have a lot of receipts. In such a case, consider outsourcing services like Shoeboxed. Shoeboxed helps businesses track their expenses by scanning, entering, and categorizing all data in receipts in a secure and searchable account that is acceptable by even Amazon.
  3. If you have bookkeeping software, ensure its functionality allows you to store invoices.
  4. If you don’t fancy software, a nested folder on your PC or an online storage system like Dropbox will do.
  5. When you purchase items, add the invoices storage system rather than waiting until you have so many receipts or when Amazon asks for invoices.
  6. Consider using creative descriptions to help find invoices quickly when required.
  7. When providing invoices to Amazon, it’s okay to add the ASIN or highlight the individual product if it isn’t clear from the context.
  8. Finally, ensure that someone else other than you has access to your invoice storage system in case you are not there.

What are Amazon’s conditions for invoice acceptance?

If Amazon requests invoices, don’t give their investigators the opportunity to doubt the legitimacy of your suppliers or reject your invoices. Before sending the invoices, look for gaps and unclear information or have someone else do it for you.

Wrong supply chain documentation could lead to more than a listing block. If Amazon investigators detect similar problems in the past, your selling account could be at risk. Amazon has very high standards for accepting supplier invoices. So, make sure your invoices meet the following criteria:

  • The document is clear and easy to read. Amazon investigators don’t want to go through poorly scanned PDFs or blurred invoice photos you took with your phone. All invoices must look professional, so the investigator can easily find all the required information.
  • The buyer’s name on the invoice should match the name on your seller account.
  • The address on the invoice should match what you have on your Amazon seller account. If you’ve changed your billing address, then update that on your account.
  • Submit genuine invoices because Amazon doesn’t just receive your invoices, take a quick look and file them. Far from that! Amazon investigators will verify them by researching the supplier. They will send emails, make phone calls, and check for a website or valid address to determine that the supplier is legitimate.


Invoice verifications by Amazon may sound like a too scary affair you don’t want to engage in. But fear not. It’s easy to avoid mandatory verifications, and the best way to do that is to avoid situations that could require you to send invoices for verification in the first place.

But here is the truth; customer complaints are unavoidable, so at some point, you may be required to send invoices to Amazon. Just ensure that you have all invoices at hand and that they are accurate if such a time comes. You can also look at it as a way of helping you keep track of the numbers to grow your business. Finding efficiencies and processes in your business is helpful no matter how you slice it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

What are Restricted Products?


What are Restricted Products?

Products for sale on Amazon must comply with all laws and regulations and with Amazon’s policies. The sale of illegal, unsafe, or other Restricted Products listed, including products available only by prescription, is strictly prohibited. Amazon has always required a level of seller responsibility and understanding of items allowed on Amazon, with or without certain levels of approval. Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Amazon has implemented stricter requirements of items within all category types.

However, this does not mean all items listed under the Restricted Products policy are excluded from sale. While there are some items that are completely banned (i.e. firearms, Confederate memorabilia, illegal drugs) there are others that only require approval via Amazon or compliance documentation. It is always best to review the Restricted Product page before listing items; so you can confirm if certain items are prohibited, or make sure you have filled out the correct compliance paperwork or completed the approval process with Amazon.

There are differences between marketplaces. So if you sell in a different market, please check for your specific restrictions.

Additional related policies:

  • Certain categories require you to obtain pre-approval from Amazon before listing in those categories.
  • Certain categories require you to provide additional information and/or a supplemental guarantee before listing in those categories.
  • Those participating in Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), should also review the FBA Product Restrictions page which lists products that are not eligible for the FBA program.
  • Certain products are subject to additional regulation in the state of California.
  • If you wish to list items for international purchase, you are responsible for conducting proper research to ensure that the items listed comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Products that claim to be “FDA Cleared,” “FDA approved” or products that include the FDA logo in associated images need to meet additional requirements (for more information: Is It Really ‘FDA Approved’? and FDA Logo Policy)

For the full list or Restricted Products, including those specifically banned, you can find more through this link. These examples are not all-inclusive and are provided solely as an informational guide.

We encourage you to consult with your legal counsel if you have questions about the laws and regulations concerning your products. Even if a product is listed as an “Example of Permitted Listings,” all products and listings must also comply with applicable laws.

Again, we strongly suggest reviewing all Restricted Product pages before listing any items and keep an eye out for any changes within this policy. It is updated at regular intervals by Amazon.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

File for Brand Registry on Amazon and Protect Your ASINs


Just because the Amazon Selling Coach recommends items to sell, doesn’t mean they are safe to list

Leon sells on Amazon in the Sports & Outdoors category. He hawks everything from outdoor lighting to basketballs to hanging baskets for plants. So when the Amazon Selling Coach suggested a line of kites that he should sell, he jumped on the opportunity.

“I’ve been selling on Amazon for about a year,” Leon said. “I’ve got about a half-dozen suppliers who provide me with a wide range of products, but what I really love is to find something that doesn’t already have tons of other sellers on the listing.”

What is Amazon Selling Coach

Amazon Selling Coach is an automated tool on Seller Central. Analyzing other products listed in a seller’s inventory, it looks for ASINs in the Amazon catalog that have recent sales or search activity, but not a corresponding number of available offers. Third-party sellers can find the Selling Coach page here: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/hz/sellingcoach (login required).

The Coach populates a series of ASINs for sellers to review and see if they can source the inventory. These are found on the “inventory recommendations” page.

Here’s the problem. These suggestions do not – in any way, shape or form – mean you are “safe” to buy this inventory. Leon will explain that to you.

“Based on the Amazon Selling Coach recommendations, I bought some kites,” Leon said. “These are licensed kits, with various cartoon and superhero figures on them.”

Not long after listing the kites, Leon was hit with multiple intellectual property complaints – both from the manufacturer of the kites and the owner of the licensed characters. A few days later, his Amazon seller account was deactivated.

“I’m still in shock,” he said. “I’m selling the exact products that Amazon said it wanted me to sell. I bought high-quality, new stock from my distributor. I’m not doing anything wrong.”

Here are several ways that buying recommended inventory can cause a seller problems:

  1. Just because Amazon recommends a product, the seller may not be ungated and able to list it. We see sellers blocked from listing recommended products at the category, brand and ASIN level. The same goes for topicals and other special gating types. If a seller buys the inventory before attempting to list it or check it in the Amazon app, they can find themselves with a bunch of inventory on-hand that they could not unload.
  2. A product that is blocked as a restricted product is part of the recommendations! Clearly, the Amazon Selling Coach isn’t updated as quickly as the Amazon catalog in general, since the ASIN’s listing no longer exists.
  3. Some brand owners are aggressive about filing intellectual property claims, even if a seller’s inventory is authentic and well-sourced. The Amazon Selling Coach will not take this into account – just ask Leon.
  4. I know sellers who see these recommendations, and move heaven and earth to find the specific items. If the items are discontinued, the seller purchases liquidation or gray-market inventory, just so they can be on a listing without competition. This is a dangerous practice.

In summary, beware of the recommendations of Amazon Selling Coach. It’s a simple, data-driven tool that’s only concern is providing broader product selection on the Amazon platform. Not caring about you or your account.

How to avoid Amazon conundrums with FBA inventory and shipments


Every seller should expect that shipping products to FBA is systematic and smooth. The goods are shipped and verifiably received by Amazon. Then it’s not. There are damages, lost goods, Amazon fulfillment centers (FCs) gone rogue. These mistakes cost you sales and more than a few restless nights.

So, how can you take control of FBA shipments and inventory? It starts with being consistent and organized, even when busyness and demands create everyday distractions.

Taking control means clean-up, follow-up and getting familiar with reports

While you really can’t control every step of the shipment journey to Amazon fulfillment centers, you can control your record keeping and exactly how your products are packaged and shipped.

Few tips How can you take control of FBA shipments and inventory

Label liberally

Do not skimp or skip when affixing labels to your products. Each box, pallet and master carton need its own label. If boxes and cartons get separated from the shipments, more labels increase your odds that the products will find their way back into your inventory. It’s important to know that Amazon isn’t all that interested in taking the blame for shipments being lost or damaged. They rarely invest in a search effort. That means you lose money AND chances for reimbursement bottom out. Proper, liberal labeling practices give you inventory and reimbursement advantages.

Tidy up and track with intensity

Knowing what you send in and everything that goes out is critical. When the inevitable happens and inventory “disappears” or is dubbed damaged, proactive tracking and shipment clean-up will save you time and money. What is the incentive beyond sales? Reimbursements! If something is awry, and it can be proven, Amazon owes you money. Without tracking and a tidy, organized approach, you’re leaving money on the table.

Confirm no “commingling”

Getting your products successfully shipped to a FC isn’t all that difficult (typically) but not being aware that your products could be “commingled” is a quality nightmare – and a way to get hit for a counterfeit or other IP claim. Don’t do it. “commingling” basically means you can send your item into Amazon’s warehouse but that doesn’t necessarily mean your customer will get that specific item. It’s a generic or some other similar product. How to avoid this? Check in Seller Central and make sure “commingling” is unchecked. Navigate to “Settings” on your seller central account. Select “Fulfillment by Amazon,” then scroll down the page and look for “FBA product barcode preference.”

Use a designated driver

When business is crazy, it’s hard to do it all, especially shipments, FBA management and inventory reconciliation. We recommend you use a designated driver who knows the ropes. Assign one person (at minimum) to daily check, track, investigate and identify inventory issues. If that’s impossible, consider outsourcing these tasks to FBA and reimbursement experts. The process is daily, consistent, and well documented. It organizes the documents for easy access. Make sure to keep an organized digital file of each shipment. This file includes documents such as original invoices, tracking numbers and proof of deliveries, to signed bills of ladings. When Amazon makes a claim or decides you’re wrong, this paperwork is your only evidence that you’re right and they’re wrong.

Leverage Seller Central inventory reports

Within Seller Central, you can access and customize your inventory reports to see inventory quantities, SKU-level performance, even warnings related to product quality or suppressed products. You will see a number of reports. There are existing reports, plus customization options. You will find critical data in the Inventory/Managing FBA shipments and Inventory sections. For example, you can see products available, inbound, reserved or unfillable, and when they have arrived at a FC. You can find detailed insights by visiting Amazon Seller University.

Complement efforts with inventory management software

At some point, a growing seller needs to consider from manual inventory management to using inventory management software. This can simplify and expedite your inventory efforts and complement what is happening on the Amazon side of things. It also allows you to quickly compare Amazon’s records with your own. If there is a discrepancy, it’s a flag to investigate and potentially seek an Amazon reimbursement.

The summary of everything here is simple: Amazon is not all that worried about your inventory so it’s your job to ensure all shipments and inventory are precise before they hit a fulfillment center. By prepping first, verifying labels and being committed to knowing what is actually shipped and received, you get the upper hand and increased control, fewer fees and less problems. Accuracy also means Amazon can’t argue your case and you receive more Amazon reimbursements.

For help with inventory issues and Amazon – and how to increase reimbursements – let us know. We’re here to help.