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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Amazon is refusing to release funds for some suspended sellers!


Amazon is refusing to release funds, they are permanently holding funds for some suspended sellers

Amazon appears to have made a recent policy change, where it will permanently attached the funds of some suspended sellers. Yes, Amazon is refusing to release funds.

This has happened in the past in cases of counterfeit or fraud. But now, Amazon is going after sellers who it deems have engaged in a pattern of repeatedly breaking Amazon’s rules.

For example, a client was selling products that Amazon deems “prohibited” for sale on the platform, even though they are legal in all 50 states. Amazon didn’t like the way our client listed the products. Instead of simply suspending him, they also attached the nearly $20,000 in his account – and say they will never give it back.

We are working to get the funds released and will keep the community updated.

The moral of the story? Don’t engage in a pattern of breaking Amazon’s rules. They will figure it out. And now, they might just be a lot more aggressive about ensuring you never do it again.