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Monday, September 14, 2015

Using SecretManager in ASP.NET5 application

In today's blog post, I will be discussing how to use SecretManager to store secrets in an ASP.NET 5 web application. 

Earlier, we used to store our passwords or other secret information in config file. The secret information could be your database connection passwords or OAuth related shared secrets. It's very easy to send your config file to another team mate or by mistake check it in into source control which could some times be even public. Such a mistake could be a major security problem and increases the hassle for developers.

Secret Manager 

So instead of saving the secrets in config files, we can store them outside source control using Secret Manager. To begin with, let's take a look at Startup.cs inside our ASP.NET5 web application.
Here, we have:

public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env)


       // Setup configuration sources.

       var configuration = new Configuration()


           optional: true);

       if (env.IsEnvironment("Development"))


       // This reads the configuration keys 
        //from the secret store.




       Configuration = configuration;


So here what it says is that the configuration information is first retrieved from config.json. If we are in debug environment (e.g. env.EnvironmentName = "debug") and we have same key in config.debug.json then the value in config.debug.json will override the value in config.json. Similarly, if we have the same key in environment variables, then that value will be used and all others will be ignored. The value added last, will override the previous values.

Here, we also have configuration.AddUserSecrets() which adds the config values from Secret Manager. The User Secrets configuration system consists of two parts: i) Global Tool and, ii) Configuration Source.

 In order to install global tool, in my command prompt, I first ran:

 dnu commands install SecretManager

And I got an output like this:

The following commands were installed: user-secret

The second part, Configuration Source is already set up by configuration.AddUserSecrets()

Now we are all set, we can add our secrets to the secret manager and use them in our application.

In Last Post, I posted on how to set up Facebook authentication in ASP.NET5 application. In that project, I added the Facebook AppId and Facebook AppSecret to my config.json directly. Now, I want to add them to Secret Manager and use them in my application.

So inside Visual Studio 2015RC, Package Manager Console I was able to add my AppId and AppSecret to SecretManager like this:

user-secret set Authentication:Facebook:AppId 8xxxxxxxxxxx

user-secret set Authentication:Facebook:AppSecret dxxxxxxx

Now, behind the scenes, they were stored in


 and APPDATA value was:


The AppData folder is hidden by default. I was able to see the file contents and even manually edit them if needed. In future, the secrets.json file content might be encrypted.

How to Use

Now I can simply use them in my application



In this way, I was able to store the secrets in a separate folder outside source control. I can set them once per environment and I don't need to worry about accidentally checking them in my source control.


So we saw how to use SecretManager to store secret information in ASP.NET5 application without worrying about accidentally checking them into source control. I think that its a nice addition to developers' arsenal.
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