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Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to install laravel on windows xampp

How to install laravel on windows xampp :-

Now time of frameworks in php like laravel, codeigniter etc and easy to install php frameworks on local server like xampp, wamp etc. Below we will see installation steps of a php framework laravel on windows xampp. Let’s see how to install laravel on windows xmapp. for this we need some server requirements, some of software installation.
Below are the steps of How to install laravel on windows xampp using composer:-
Server requirement:-
PHP >= 5.4
MCrypt PHP Extension
Installation steps :-
1. Laravel requires Composer to manage its dependencies. so first need to download composer.
A. After download composer, install composer on your system using below options:-
a. Shell menus:- Run composer from Windows Explorer by right clicking folder items.(optional)

b. next step require php.exe which is normally in xampp/htdocs/php folder. and continue with more instructions and click next to finish installation.
2. Installation process also requires Git to be installed on the server to successfully complete the installation.
If you not have GIT installed on your system:-
a. Download Git and install it.
3. Now download latest version of laravel and unzip into your local server.
For example you have put into your local server where the directory is D:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\.
Using Shell menus (works if you already selected shell menus option on installation of composer) :-
1. Right click on your laravel folder and click on Use Composer here.
2. will open CMD and enter command composer install and press enter key.
3. Now wait until process completed. it will take few time to download in your computer.
Using CMD with direct download :-
1. Open the CMD (start>serch for “cmd”> click on cmd.exe)in your computer and change the directory according to your laravel directory.(ex:- D:\xampp\htdocs\laravel>)
2. enter command composer install and press enter key.(ex:- D:\xampp\htdocs\laravel>composer install)
3. Now wait until process completed. it will take few time to download in your computer.
Using CMD create project command :-
1. Open the CMD (start>serch for “cmd”> click on cmd.exe)in your computer and run below command. “–prefer-dist” will be preferred location where you want to install laravel.
# install laravel using create project command
composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist
#composer create-project laravel/laravel d:\xampp\htdocs\laranew
2. Now wait until process completed. and you done.
After successfully installed you can access http://localhost/laravel/public/
Now you have finished installation steps of laravel using composer.

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