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Friday, August 10, 2012

How to move WordPress

If you are a WordPress developer, there are times when you need to move WordPress around within your server ( move the wordpress site from one directory location to another directory location), and times when you need to move WordPress from one server to another (move the wordpress blog from one host server domain to new host server domain ). You don’t need to reinstall. WordPress is flexible enough to handle all of these situations. This “How to move wordpress from one server to another” post will outline the steps involved to successfully migrate a wordpress website.
Follow the below given instructions,
1) Back up the files and database.
If you are moving WordPress from one server to another, begin by backing up your data. This includes backing up your WordPress files on your site ( copy all files on the wordpress directory by using FTP client like filezilla ) and as well as WordPress database by entering your server control panel phpmyadmin database area and export your database in to “name.sql.zip“ format.
2) Create new database details.
Go to your new host account phpmyadmin via control panel and create a new database, database user and database user password.
3) Edit the old database.
Then open a copy of extracted database sql file saved on step 1 ( “name.sql.zip“ ) with a text editor and edit the following details,
a. Using the search and replace function, find all instances of the blog’s old URL and replace it with the new URL. Suppose the URL originally in “http://www.old.com/folder ” and you moved them to “http://www.new.com“.
b. Repeat the process of search and replace function with your directory path mentions. Suppose the files were originally in “home/user/public_html/old/folder” and you moved them to “home/newuser/public_html/new/ “.
c. Repeat the process with your email address ( if necessary ). (For example, replacing name@old.com with name@new.com).
d. Using the search and replace, edit the old database name in to new database name.
e. Save your changes.
4) Import the new database.
Go to new server control panel phpmyadmin and import edited database file on step4.
[ Save the file may be compressed (gzip, zip) or uncompressed. A compressed files name must end in .[format].[compression]. Example: .sql.zip ]
5) Move WordPress files to the new server.
Upload the backup wordpress directory in to the new server domain folder via using a FTP client.
6) Update the database details file.
Download and open wp-config.php file on the wp directory and edit the old database, database user, password details in to new one. Then upload and replace the same file.
7) Reset permalink settings and copy widgets.
Now you can check the home page and also login in to the admin dashboard of your wordpress blog. If you will get a “404 – error not found” message for other pages than your home page, then you need to reset permalink settings. For this purpose go to backend permalink settings area, change the settings in to default and back to custom setting which is used on old server. If your .htaccess file were not writable, you need to edit .htaccess file manually.
In some themes the widget areas are not moved into new server by all these above settings, so you need to copy all widgets from old server to new live server manually.

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